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2 weeks after Natalia's birthday party.

Kiki💔- hey Talia I was wondering if you want to hang out this week?

Read 5:02 pm
Talia❤️ is typing...
Kiki💔- or not that's fine with me ..

Read 5:08 pm

Kiki💔- are you mad at me or something?

Read 5:10 pm

Kiki💔- I'm going to take that as a yes

Read 5:13 pm

Kiki💔- can you at least tell me why your mad at me ? Or do I have to figure it out?

Read 5:14 pm
Talia❤️ is typing...

Talia❤️- 1: my name is Natalia not Talia,2: figure it out on your own, 3: I'm hanging out with Harrison then I have other plans with people

Read 5:16 pm
Kiki💔 is typing...

Kiki💔- oh, well I guess I'll see you around ?

Read 5:26 pm

Kiki💔- I'm taking that as a no ...

*turns phone off*
* 1 notification *
*turns phone back on*


Harrison🔥- hey love , I was wondering if you wanna go to the movies or mall tomorrow?

Read 5:28 pm
Natalia🍯 is typing...

Natalia🍯- hey harri ! And I would love to ❤️ we should go to the mall !

Delivered 5:29 pm
Read 5:32 pm
Harrison🔥 is typing...

Harrison🔥- I'm glad :) I can pick you up tomorrow at 2:00 pm on the dot .

Natalia🍯- looking foward to it babe ❤️

Harrison🔥- babe? Mmh I like that... baby ;)

Natalia🍯- weirdo ! I'll text you later I have to continue to look for different pictures for my project 🙃🔫 <I wish they never changed the gun emoji

Harrison🔥- okay I'll leave ya to it, have fun. Baby ❤️

Natalia🍯- text you later babe❤️

*turns phone off*
* 3 notifications *
*turns phone back on*

Sexy bitches!!

Lia👱🏻‍♀️- hey loves ! We should all update each other on our relationships since it's been a while since we've all talked !

Andrea🥔 is typing...
Meredith💔 is typing
Natalia read 6:00 pm

Andrea🥔- DOM IS THE BEST HES SO LIT DUDE! I think he's more of a friend than boyfriend he's really chill and we've been to the club a few times it was fun!

Meredith💔- me and Kian are talking :) he's a great guy and I'm happy he's so cool!

Lia👱🏻‍♀️ is typing...

Lia👱🏻‍♀️- Jc is so sweet! We've gone on a few dates since the club and he's such a sweet guy and he's romantic!

Andrea🥔 is typing...
Natalia read 6:05 pm

Andrea🥔- what about you Natalia ? How are things with you and Harrison?

Natalia is typing...

Natalia- Harrison is great, we're going to the mall tomorrow.

Lia👱🏻‍♀️ is typing...

Lia👱🏻‍♀️- you okay? You haven't really texted any of us since the night at the club, did something happen with Harrison ?

Natalia read 6:12 pm
Natalia is typing..

Natalia- I just don't really wanna talk about it I just feel betrayed from someone who I thought was close but it's my fault because I never spoke up.

Group read 6:15 pm
*turns phone off*

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