The date .2

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Natalia point of view

I text Harrison the address and I was on my way, I couldn't wait to see his expression when he sees the place I picked out for the date. As I'm driving I notice in my rear view mirror I had a note
" I'm sorry ... but we can't see each other anymore ~ kiki" I take the note and rip it to pieces and throw it out my window.
At the secret location

I get a text from Harrison saying 'which way do I enter¿'. I respond with ' follow the path of the moss' after a minute of me sending the text I see Harrison walking up " hey baby" I smile pulling him in for a hug and he hugs me back the smiles " hello love" he pecks me on the lips then I say " follow me" I lead him to a wall and he says " okay what now" then I push aside the vines revealing a waterfall. We walk in and Harrison looks in aw at the view. " this is beautiful " he says in shock looking back at home then to add on " where did you find this place?" I take a deep breath and say " me and my family came here on summer because we saw pictures of it online but it took us months to find out where it was then one day we found it, we had the best time and it was the last time I spent family time with them before they passed away that August , so I come here every so often to just regroup " " I'm sorry" he responds putting his arm around my shoulder " it's fine , I'm just glad you like the place" I laugh " like it? I love it!" He smiles. We look into each other's eyes and kiss with passion. We kiss for a good 5 minutes then I strip of my clothing revealing my bathing suit

{ that's just the bathing suit not the location, the location will be shone in the next chapter }

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{ that's just the bathing suit not the location, the location will be shone in the next chapter }

I grab his hand and I say " are you ready " and before he could answer we jump into the waterfall. We swim back up to the surface and Harrison laughs " I'm ready " I wrap my arms around his neck and he cuffs my face and we share a passionate kiss. After swimming for a while and splashing each other Harrison ask " hey do you mind if I invite my friend vitaly so he can take some pictures?" And I respond " of course baby" he gets out and dries off then text I'm guessing vitaly. A few minutes later a guys walks in and I get out and dry off. " Natalia this is Vitaly, Vitaly this is Natalia my girlfriend " Harrison introduces us and we both shake each other's hand and say " hey, nice to meet you" I slip my clothes back on and just watch vitaly take pictures of Harrison then they sit down and talk so I take this opportunity to take an off guard of Harrison. I take a few and I'll make a cute post, something cheesy.
At Natalia house

" hey thanks for today, I had a lot of fun" Harrison smiles " I'm glad you liked it" I smile while wrapping my arms around his neck and we kiss passionately . " I'll see you tomorrow at the party right?" He ask furrowing his eyebrows " um yeah sure, what time?" I ask awkwardly " 8,but if you wanna come early and hang out just let me know and I'll text you the address " he smiles " sure thing" I smile back letting him go and he shuts my door on his way out. I walk upstairs and throw my sheets in the drier so by the time I'm ready for bed I can be all warm. I hop in the shower and wash all the algae off of me the. I hop out. The drier goes off and take out the sheets, I put on a long band tee and only that because I'm a lazy ass. I turn on Netflix and fall asleep watching a random movie.

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