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Natalia- hey kian !

Read 10:08 am

Natalia- Kian

Natalia- Kian

Natalia- Kian

Natalia- okay I guess text me when you're not busy I understand :(:

Read 10:30 am

Natalia- if you're not going to text me I'll just make a conversation with myself:)

Natalia- so how's life been Kian ?

Natalia- oh it's been good, how about you Natalia ?

Natalia- it's been good , just miss ya :)

Natalia- oh I miss you too Kian

Read 3:30 pm

Natalia- I hope you aren't mad at me or anything. Did I do something wrong ?

Kian- you didn't do anything wrong Natalia, I just need sometime to myself right now with what I'm going through

Natalia- do you want to talk about it ?

Kian- no but knowing you you'll just push it so yes

Natalia - :)

Kian- my parents are getting a divorce

Natalia- wow I'm so sorry Kian ... I know how you feel, my dads on his 2nd and my mom idk where she is

Kian- sorry for what your going through and yeah it sucks but idk how I'm going to deal with it

Natalia- just know I'm always a call or text away :)

Kian- thanks Natalia :)

Natalia- no problem:) I wish I could give ya a big hug irl but maybe someday :)

Kian- definitely

Natalia- just text me if ya need anything I won't be falling asleep anytime soon

Kian- can I ask you something ?

Natalia- sure

Kian- would we ever be a thing ?

Natalia- maybe , we have to let nature take its course

Kian- thanks 💗 goodnight Natalia

Natalia- goodnight Kian :) even tho I won't be sleeping 😌

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