Time will tell

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2 months later
Natalia point of view

Me and Kian started dating a while back after Me and Harrison Split. We aren't public yet because I know his fans and my fans would blow up and act all crazy . My song fair game had to be pushed back two months because of production purposes and the sound quality was lagging with the track, but today is when it comes out and it's about my break up with Harrison and someone people will probably guess that . The whole break up had me in a bad place for a while because I really thought harrison would be the one for me & stay but that obviously didn't happen. Demi helped me co- write it so it sounded ever better with more emotion put into it. I know it's probably to early to be moved on and date Kian after everything that went down but I'm really comfortable with Kian & he doesn't push my limits and let's me choose what's right and what's wrong if that makes sense. Kian is actually in London with harrison and he has no clue me and Kian are together but part of why he's there is to tell him we are dating but that's not the main reason he's there.

This past year had me thinking to myself . What was I getting myself into?
Who was I ?
Why did I have to be in a semi toxic relationship?
Why did I hurt harrison the way I did?
Why did I hurt Kian the way I did?
Mostly, why did I hurt myself the way I did ?

Only time will tell .

Authors note !

Happy 100 chapters !! So I know this chapter was very short and the ending is a really strange cliffhanger

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