The end of an era

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Natalia point of view
Right after the message between Kian and Natalia

I stared at my phone waiting for the three little bubble to pop up indicating that Kian was responding but I waiting for ten minutes and those three little bubble never popped up.
I got up out of my bed and went to my wall and started getting rid of all me and Kian's pictures together which was basically 75% of the wall. I throw them all across the floor and start crying while leaning on the back of the wall. One picture in particular caught my eye and it was a picture of me and Kian hugging then it was Dom holding up the middle finger behind us because he didn't have a date and felt like he was the third wheel. I picked up the picture and started to laugh a little. Maybe it was good that Kian was going away to Denver. Maybe this was closer for me and Kian. Who knows where the road would lead us to. Maybe in the future our paths will cross and if that time were to come then only time will tell...

Authors note

Ahhhhh that's the end you guys to UNKNOWN NUMBER !! I can't believe we've made it this far ❤️ nearly 50k reads
I do have an alternate ending to this book so comment and let me know if you want me to publish the alternate ending as well ❤️ i love you guys and thank you so much for all the love and support

unknown number  ˻kian lawley˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now