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1 month later

Harisson❤️- hello love I was wondering if I could take you out on another date soon?

Delivered 9:05 am
Read 9:15 am
Natalia❤️ is typing...

Natalia❤️- babe we just went on a date 2 days ago!

Delivered 9:17 am
Read 9:20 am
Harisson❤️ is typing...

Harisson❤️- I gotta show my girl how much I care about her 😚❤️

Read 9:21 am
Natalia❤️ is typing...

Natalia❤️- baby I care about you to but, I wanna make the plans this time , let me surprise you this time!

Delivered 9:23 am
Read 9:23 am
Harisson❤️ is typing...

Harisson❤️- okay I like the sound of that :)

Delivered 9:25 am
Read 9:35 am
Natalia❤️ is typing...

Natalia❤️- I'm gonna text you an address to meet me at, bring an extra pair of clothes :)

Read 9:36 am
Harisson❤️ is typing...

Harisson❤️- sounds like a date ;)

Read 9:37 am
Natalia❤️ is typing...

Natalia❤️- it's a date :)

Delivered 9:40 am

*turns phone off*

Natalia point of view

I was nervous yet excited for this date , me and harisson have been dating for about a month now he asked me out after the Instagram with Kian... I guess he thought I didn't want him but the truth is I do want harisson I really,REALLY like him and I'm glad he asked me out. I haven't talked to Kian since me and harisson have started dating I wonder what he's up to...


Natalia⚡️- hey Kian just texting ya to see how you are , how have you been ? :)

Delivered 10:20 am
Read 10:22 am
Kian😎 is typing...

Kian😎- this is Meredith I would appreciate if you would stop texting my boyfriend :)

Read 10:25 am
Natalia⚡️ is typing...

Natalia⚡️- why? Kian is my friend and you can't control who he talks to or who I talk to .

Read 10:27 am
Kian😎 is typing...

Kian😎- oh I think this can control it

Oh and it's not the only place where his tongue has been ;)

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Oh and it's not the only place where his tongue has been ;)

Deliverd 10:29 am
Read 10:30 am

* turns phone off*

Natalia point of view

My heart... it was hurt... not broken.... just hurt.

unknown number  ˻kian lawley˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now