The end of an era ( alternate ending )

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Natalia point of view
Right after the message between Kian and Natalia

I stared at my phone waiting for the three little bubble to pop up indicating that Kian was responding but I waiting for ten minutes and those three little bubble never popped up.
I got up out of my bed and went to my wall and started getting rid of all me and Kian's pictures together which was basically 75% of the wall. I throw them all across the floor and start crying while leaning on the back of the wall. One picture in particular caught my eye and it was a picture of me and Kian hugging then it was Dom holding up the middle finger behind us because he didn't have a date and felt like he was the third wheel. I heard a knock on my door and I thought it might have been one of the girls since they usually forget their keys . " you have got to stop forgetting your ke-" almost halfway done with my sentence I feel a pair of lips interlock with mine and I pull back a little to catch a glimpse of who it was and when I got a full view I was in shock.
" Kian "
" what are you doing here ?" I ask in confusion " I Came to tell you that we're going to work this out, I won't let the distance get between us because the truth is Natalia , I've never loved someone as much as I've loved you. The moment you came into my life , the moment I texted the wrong number , it pretty much changed everything. You were in my mind 24/7. You've made such an impact and for me to just throw you away that easily I-I just couldn't do it. So we're going to work this out no matter the distance , Hell I'll even pay for your flight ticket if you can't to come visit . We're going to work through this . Together " Kian explains all In one breath. " Kian I love you , I never wanted to say it because I was so afraid of being hurt again and opening up to someone the way I did harisson but you're not him, you're better . So thank you for making me realize who I really am and not hiding my true color and bringing out the best in me " I say on the verge of tears . " I love you too" Kian says while bringing me into a tight kiss. One thing led to another and we eventually made our way up to my room leaving a do not disturb sign on the door just Incase any of the girls decided to visit.

The morning after

It was the morning after and I woke up to the sound of Kian's alarm going off . He turns off his alarm and turns back to me and kisses me on my forehead. " you know I do have some time before I need to go to the airport..." he says with a smirk on his face " what are you implying lawley " I smirk back " round 2?" He questions " you're on" I laugh pulling him in for a kiss.

The airport
I pulled up next to Kian's gate number and parked on the side. I helped him get his bags out of the trunk and set them on the ground. " so this is it " I laugh nervously " until next time " he smiles pulling me in for a hug kissing the top of my head " until next time lawley, until next time " I say pulling away from the hug. I hop back in the car and wait for Kian to go inside but he just stands there looking inside the airport then back at the car " Kian, just go. Don't miss your flight and this role all because of some girl" I say as I roll the window down.

" I love you Natalia Maddie Ross "

" I love you kian Robert lawley "

The end

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