Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"Have you come up with an article yet?" Jessie asked.

"Nope, but I already have an idea on what I'll do." I answered.


"Oh, right: Interview with Student Council VP, Nash James, teenage pregnancy, and your future." I said.

Jessie tapped her pen. "Okay then. Kind of not related to bullying but that will do. You have to give me the articles before November ends."

I nodded.

Justin entered the Journalism room and Jessie suddenly became still.

"Hey Sadie," Justin nodded.

I waved.

"Hey Jessie," he smiled at her.

"H-h-hi!" Jessie stuttered.

"I'm just here to grab my camera and I'll head home. Anyone of you needs a ride?" He asked.

Jessie and I shook our heads.

"Okay. Text if you need anything. Bye!"

"OH MY GOD," Jessie suddenly said.

I looked at her and she had her hands over her face.

"Why?" I asked. As if I did not know the answer.

Jessie muttered something I did not understand.

"Jessie, I know you like him." I said.

"What?!" Jessie yelled. "Is that obvious?"

"Nope, but seeing you guys every single day after class, I kind of noticed it."

"But he doesn't like me back. We do not talk outside this room. During English, we only looked at each other for like two seconds and then nothing!" Jessie said.

"So what are you going to do about it?" I asked.

"Nothing,” she shrugged.

"Nothing, really? Nothing?" I said. "Okay, what I'm about to tell you is a secret. You cannot tell anyone about this. Not even my best friends know about this."

She nodded.

"You know Nash, right?"

"Duh, he's our student council vice president." She stated the obvious.

I rolled my eyes. "So I kind of liked him, well loved him since the first day we met. It was kinda love at first sight. I never told him how I felt until he asked my best friend out to the dance."

"Ouch!" Jessie reacted.

"When my best friend told me about it, I was broken. The love of my life who doesn't know he was the love of my life chose my best friend over me." I said and Jessie laughed. I told her about the front porch story and skipped to the part where I confessed my feelings. "I got home and he was there. He demanded for an explanation and I told him every single thing."

"I can't do that." Jessie said.

"I can't believe I did that, but I'm glad I did. You know why?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"During the evening of my sixteenth birthday, I was in Paris with my family. Nash surprised me there. He told me he felt the same way. He was just afraid because he thought I didn't like him back." I said.

Jessie stared at me with amazement.

"Now, we're together. I'm not saying you should go to Paris and expect Justin to surprise you there." I laughed and Jessie laughed along. "I'm just saying is that, take chances. You'll never know what might happen. Yeah sure, you might end up getting not the one you wanted, but you'll eventually say 'Thank God I did that, now I know what will happen next.'"

"So your friends don’t know, only your family?" Jessie asked and I nodded. "Wow. Thank you for giving me your trust about your secret. Please don't tell Justin."

"Don't worry, I won't, pinky promise." We shook pinkies. "Besides, what do you guys talk about besides the articles?"

"Homework," Jessie admitted.

"NERD!" I joked and she laughed.

"Yeah, we're kind of nerds."

"Nerds in love," I said. "Oh, and next time he asks if anyone needs a ride home, accept his offer."

Jessie nodded. "Thanks Sade."

"No problem. Glad I can help." I said and we hugged.

"I feel like we're best friends already."

"We kind of already are!" I laughed.

I said my goodbyes and left. Nash was waiting for me by the student's parking lot.

"Nilo's day off?" He asked as he opened the door for me.

I waited for him to slide into the driver's seat before answering. "Nope, I just wanted to see you."

He smiled. "It's not like we don't see each other every day."

"Still," I said. “It’s different.”

"Do you wanna eat out?" He asked as we drove off.

"Yeah, sure, oh by the way, I need to interview you." I said.

"Interview for what?" He asked.

I told him the reason and he started laughing. "You’re interviewing me? I'd like to see that happen without you staring at my eyes."

"I'll be serious! Come on, please!" I pleaded. "I need it!"

He finally agreed. "Okay fine. We'll do it later after dinner."

We ate at Loft, not wanting to go farther since we were both exhausted.

"Okay, go! Ask me stuff!" He said.

"You are the football quarterback and the student council vice president and you still achieve in class. How do you manage to keep up with everything?" I asked.

"Well I balance everything out. I do my schoolwork whenever I have time in school before practice. I tell my co-members of the student council to e-mail me whatever I need to do or if they're planning on upcoming projects. When I get home, I do the rest of my unfinished schoolwork then I rest." He answered.

"Wow, that's a lot. So do you still go out with your friends after everything?"

He nodded. "Yes. I still go out with them if I don't have plans with someone special during Saturdays."

"And who is this special someone?" I asked.

"Secret," He winked.

"Alright, then, how about your family, are they supportive?" I asked.

"Yes, especially my mom, she really loves going to my games and cheering for me." He smiled.

I continued asking him until we were up to the last question. “Every single girl has been asking me this question, describe your dream girl.”

“Look at yourself in the mirror and that's my dream girl.”

I was completely caught off-guard. Why was he so sweet?

“I-uh..,” I was lost for words. “That's end our interview.”

He nodded and he called the waiter for the bill. Before I leave his car, I asked him to promise me one thing. “Promise me you won't leave me,” I said. “Even if everyone around us disapproves, even if the society doesn't want us together, even if you go halfway around the world.”

“I won't baby.”

I held out my pinky. “Pinky promise you won't?”

He shook my pinky. “I pinky promise no matter how difficult this gets, no matter how frustrated I get. I won't give up on you, or us. I love you with my entire heart baby. I'm going to fight for you because you're worth it.”

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