Chapter 1

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Annabeth's pov

I wake up early, just like every other morning. Do the same thing as always. Attempt to brush my hair, get dressed, and head out.

Oh, wait you don't know who I am, how silly of me. My name is Annabeth Chase, I'm 18 years old and I live with my father in a very small village in Greece. But I don't plan on staying in this village for the rest of my life, unlike most of the other girls in this town. I want an adventure, I want to live my life to the fullest and have no regrets. Anyway now that you know who I am, back to the day.

As I head out I grab my basket and start walking to the market. The streets a bustling with activity, everyone is going through the morning rush. I run to the bakery just as the fresh rolls were being pulled out of the oven. It smelled delicious. I quickly grabbed the biggest one put the money in the cup and walked out of the shop. Next stop the book store.

As I walked I felt everyone staring at me. I've been told by many people here (mostly men) that I'm beautiful. I don't see it, I also hate the attention. It's not like I tried though, I see no point in being the fairest of them all. Unlike Drew, she tries way too hard to no avail. I guess that's why the men here seem to like me, they see me as something unobtainable. Whereas someone like Drew and her posse would give themselves to a man in a moments notice. I hadn't realized how lost in thought I was until I was walking into the bookstore.

I use the bookstore as more of a library than anything else. Mr. Brunner lets me borrow the books as long as I bring them back.

" Hello, Annabeth " he says as I walked in. I give him a warm smile as I walk over to the shelves upon shelves of books.
" Anywhere new for me to visit?" I ask him.
" Sorry dear, I believe you've read them all. But your welcome to reread any of the ones you were fond of ". He says with a slightly sad look on his face.
" It's no problem Mr. Brunner " I say in attempt to reassure him. He seems to perk up a little. I then begin scanning the shelves for one book in particular. I run my hand over the cover as I pull out the greyish blue book. " I'll borrow this one." I say as I put it on my basket.
" But, you've read it at least three times ". He says to me.
" I know. But I love it. " I say to him with a smile. He gives me a warm grin as I exit the store.

In case you were wondering, the book I borrowed was on architecture. One of my greatest passions.  I plan on making a life for myself with it. I want to build something beautiful that people can look back on.

"Annie !!!" I hear someone call and instinctively turn around. Though I'm not exactly sure why I turned around. It's not like anything new is going to come out of the mouth of the person who called me....

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Let me know what you think. Also do you think you know who called Annabeth.... I wanna see if you can figure it out.

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