Chapter 5

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Percy pov
It was a howling storm. Much like the one that happened that night all those years ago. It was going to be like any other night until there was a knock at the door. ( A/N who could that be?)
It had been so long since anyone knocked at the door we weren't sure what to do. I quickly sent Hazel to answer the door.

I stayed in the front room. But I could hear their voices. I was simultaneously shocked and scared out of my skin to hear another girls voice.

But how was that possible. The closest village was at least 20 miles away. Any girl there would've been forced to take a man with her. Also it was around midnight. Who on earth would let their daughter go riding for 20 miles in a storm like this one.

I then heard footsteps coming from down the hall leading to the door. I quickly sat up straight and ran my fingers through my mess of hair. A glimmer of hope rushed through my veins at the thought of a girl being here. I quickly thought up what to say and how to introduce myself. I had the perfect plan. Until I actually saw her. Then was the first time I had ever been rendered speechless.

She was gorgeous. She looked to be about 17, with tan skin. She looked like she spent a lot of time outdoors. She had beautiful princess curls, and with the raindrops in it, it looked even more stunning.

At first glance I thought her eyes were blue. But boy was I wrong, they were a startling grey. The had so much depth to them I felt like I could look into them forever.

There was no way someone as beautiful as she would ever love a creature like me once she saw my true colours. I then realized that I had been looking a little too long. I stood up and walked over to her.

" Hello, my name is Percy. Who might you be. " I said while trying to look as authoritative as possible. I reached out my hand to shake hers and she took it. It felt like sparks of electricity were flying in every direction when our hands met. It was over much too soon, she pulled her hand from mine.

" My name is Annabeth. I was riding before the storm started and found this place. I was hoping to seek shelter for the night. I can be out of your way by morning". She said not trying to meet my eyes. I could see blush creeping up her cheeks. It wasn't until then that I realized how warm my own cheeks felt.

"Yes, yes of course. Stay as long as you need."

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