Chapter 9

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Annabeth's pov

As Hazel dragged me along pulling me through the maze of corridors. I couldn't help but notice the architecture of the castle. It was gorgeous, the beams alone looked to be hundreds of years old.

Hazel pushed through a door that led into what looked like the kitchen. That was good to know, since I'll be spending a lot of time in there.

"Attention guys, this is Annabeth." All the hustle and bustle came to a stop the second she said my name. " Your new coworker. She'll be doing the day shift." She said with the same gigantic smile plastered on her face as she'd had on before.

" Hello everyone. " I said quite nervously. I absolutely hated being the centre of attention. " I hope I can make good friends with all of you. " There looked to be about 5 other people in the room.

A few moments after the all came up and introduced themselves. There was Jason, Thalia, Leo, Frank, and Piper. They all seemed very kind. They asked a lot of questions though. Especially about my village. It really didn't seem like that big of a deal. Though they acted like they hadn't left the palace in years.

Once introductions were over they gave me the grand tour of the castle. This place was absolutely huge. The ballroom alone looked like it could fit my entire village inside it. Oh, and the library. It was incredible. I'd never seen so many books in all my life.

I think I could get used to this place.

I'm baaaaack!! Hey sorry nothing big really happened in this chapter. I'll try to make the next one abbot more entertaining.
Love you guys

- Buddy_2002💙💙💙

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