Chapter 2

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Annabeth's pov

" What do you want Luke?" I say in an exasperated tone. Luke is arguably the most handsome man in town. But he is a bigoted moron who only cares about himself. He always bothers me, constantly asking me out. He doesn't seem to take a hint, no matter how obvious.

" You know what I want Annie. It's the same thing I ask you every single day." he says in a mocking tone. I hate when people mock me, especially for my hair colour. Like being blond somehow makes me stupid, hair colour has nothing to do with intelligence.  Also I am ten times smarter than him.

"And everyday I give you the same answer, yet here we are. Also I've told you a million times, it's Annabeth not Annie." I retort to him.

" Why won't you simply say yes to me. Do you know how many girls would live to be in your position. I am after all the best option for marriage in this little village." He says to me while scanning my body. I instantly see where this is going and lift up the cloth in my basket to reveal my dagger. I keep it there to help ward off creeps like Luke.

I unsheathe my dagger and put the blade to his Adams  apple and gently push forward. " You lay a finger on me I will make sure you are the only nine fingered man in this town. I don't think that will do much for you reputation. " His face goes pale and he carefully shakes his head in accordance.

I sheath my dagger and place it back in my basket. I continue to walk away with my head held high. Though I know that threat meant nothing in his brain. He's still convinced I'm just playing hard-to-get.

I can't wait to escape this place. To be free of the staring eyes and creeps like Luke who only want me for my body. I do plan on getting married. Just not yet. Though I am very lucky, my father isn't forcing me into marriage. He thinks I should marry for love, not for advantage.

As I think to myself I always think about running away, and having my own adventure. But, I never seem to be able to find the courage to pack my bags and go.

I walk home to find the house silent, my father nowhere to be found. I walk in his room and there's a note on the pillow of a cleanly made bed.
    Dear Annabeth,
I have important business to attend to in Athens. I won't be back for a five months. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. But then you would've asked to come with me, and I don't want you to worry. I'll be fine.
I love you very much
-Fredrick Chase

I can't believe him. He left without saying anything. He'll be gone for 5 months, that's almost half a year.
This is it. Time for me to find my adventure. If he can go away without saying anything, so can I.

Hello there. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanna know what you guys think of Luke. Let me know what you guys think will happen next, I'm curious. I promise I will try to be consistent with the updates. Love you guys 💙💙💙

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