Chapter 6

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Annabeth pov

How stupid could I get. I got lost got caught in the rain and nearly all my supplies were soaked. What was I thinking going out on my own. At least I found someplace to rest for the night. That's the smartest thing I've done in the past three hours.

The girl I spoke to at the door seemed nice. I couldn't shake this feeling that I was the first person she's ever seen. In fact, every staff member looked at me with this undeniable hope in their eyes. Like I was going to save them.

The owner of the castle seems nice. He looked to be about my age. Tall, black hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed in weeks. And his eyes, I could never forget those. They were a sea green, though they looked a little dulled. Like he was in pain. Though he seemed to be perfectly healthy. I wonder what he's hiding.

I don't think I can stay forever as a guest but I know I could never go back to my village. To do so would be to give up. Give up my life and all my choices, what I will do, who I will marry. All of that would be taken from me if I want back. Not to mention if my father found out I'd never leave the village ever again.

This place seems nice, I could stay. A plan soon formulated in my brain of how I could stay here and never see my ugly town again......

Hey guys. Sorry it's been a while. Also sorry (not sorry) about the cliffhanger. I'm honestly open to any ideas you might have or any criticism you might have for this story. I want to get better. Thank you soooooo much for reading this.
Stay amazing
- Buddy_2002💙💙💙

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