Chapter 12

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Percy pov

She looked adorable when she blushed. The whole exchange was so awkward, I could feel my own face heating up. She looked beautiful as always. The grey of her dress complimented her eyes perfectly. The stormy grey I had slowly become obsessed with.

Her eyes were so calculating it's like she was determining the exact ways to destroy the walls I'd put up for myself. Though I could see she was hiding her own demons as well. The was a slight darkness in her eyes. I wish I knew the cure for that. I wanted to take her pains and transfer them to myself.

Look at me. Falling for a girl I've barely spoken to. She's way out of my league anyway. Though if you believe in love at first sight. Then I'd be considered a fool like everyone else.

Still holding her hand I interlaced our fingers as we walked. Her hand fit perfectly in mine. Like they were two puzzle pieces. That had been separated and put in two different boxes. Never meant to see each other. Yet when they did it was extraordinary how well they fit.

We walked slowly to our destination not saying a word to one another. Only sneaking occasional glances and getting embarrassed when we caught the other looking.

Once we reached our destination. I opened the door too.....

Hehehe fake cliffhanger.😈😈😈Please read on.

The ballroom. I'd had it cleaned up so that it sparkled. I hadn't set foot in this room in forever. It was my mothers favourite room in the whole castle.

She used to organize grand balls and invited the whole kingdom to the castle. It was also where she and my father had their first dance. The day she arrived at the castle because her father was a diplomat on business with my grandfather. I'd heard this story a million times. I used to complain that my parents told it too often.

I never thought I'd miss hearing it.

Hi people I'm back. I hope you guys like this sucky chapter. To be fair this is a sucky book. I know that sounds bad, I just don't have a lot of faith in myself. Anyway, I really do hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

QoTA: honest opinion on the book. And is there anything you would do differently?

As always stay amazhang
- Buddy_2002 💙💙💙

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