Chapter 14

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Percy pov

I knew I should've kissed her. I wanted to very much. But I could tell by the look on her face she was second guessing herself. This wasn't the time.

So instead I say "You're an excellent dancer". I really meant it. For someone who claims to have never danced with a partner, she was a natural. I smiled at her. And looked her straight in the eyes.

They were electric, with wonder and joy. Unlike the dark ones I'd seen moments before.

She smiled at me saying " You're not so bad yourself. "

I gave her a small chuckle. I took her hand and escorted her out of the ballroom.

We did a little more talking, giving only normal details about each other. I learned that she loved reading. It sparks her wanting for adventure.

I also learned how the fates had chosen to cross our paths. She ran away. She couldn't receive any respect from anyone in the village besides a handful of people. And in a small town like hers not having and respect to your name is a serious insult. The breaking point for her was when she arrived home one day to find that her father had left on a 5 month trip and never told her he was leaving.

So that night she saddled her horse and went out to find her own adventure. She rode for about 3 hours until the rain started. The then rode for another 45 minutes until she arrived at the castle.

After she finished telling her story I could see tears forming in her eyes. I hadn't realized that during the entire story her head was down. Hiding her sad expression.

I swivelled I front of her. Gently guiding her head up using my fingers under her chin. The act was so simple yet so perfect. Though the sadness in her eyes reminded me of not to long ago. When I looked in the mirror and saw that in myself.

From what my friends say she is one of the kindest people they've ever met. Yet, she suffers so much. It didn't seem fair.

The then removed her eyes from my gaze to look on the ground in the corner. Instantly her eyes widened with fear.

"AHHH" She screamed and too at least half a dozen steps back. I was so worried I'd started my transformation and she was scared of me.

" I'm so sorry, I should have told you. I just didn't want to scare you away. " I started to explain. Then she pointed her finger at what she was screaming at.

In the corner under a table, was a small spider. No larger than a coin. Slowly crawling up the wall.

" Kill it! " She shouted. "Please! " she begged. Her eyes were large with fear. Though the small bug was nowhere near her.

Using the bottom of my shoe. I squashed it. Once she was satisfied that the insect was dead. She calmed down.

I was so relieved that she wasn't scared of me. I looked out one of the widows. To see that it was almost sunrise. I needed to get to the balcony pronto. Otherwise it would be more than just a spider that she'd be screaming about.

" I'm sorry. But I must go. I trust you can find your way back to your room. " I said rather hastily. " Please don't take this as an offence. But I need to leave you now. " I then realized how that sounded. Of course she was going to take offence to that. I'm such an idiot. " See me tomorrow at the same time and the same place. " was the last thing I said before I started running.

Leaving a dazed and confused Annabeth behind me.

Hey guys. My dumb phone still won't let me do bold writing. Anyway I'm back. With a longer chapter than usual. Over 620 words in this chapter as a part of the story. Once again I'd like to thank you guys for reading the story. Also the usual request for your criticism. I can take it I swear.

Stay amazhang!!!

- Buddy_2002 💙💙💙

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