Chapter 20

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Third Person pov

Back in the village things weren't quite the same after Annabeth had left. These people were so lost in their routine that they seemed to snap back into reality when something was off. Luke was the first to realize Annabeth had gone missing. She didn't walk the usual route where he would intercept her and try to get her to go out with him. He even tried waiting outside the bookstore to see if she would show up. Which completely messed with his reputation. He asked Mr. Brunner if he had any information on where she could've gone. He was absolutely no help, he only said that she hadn't come back to see if there was anything new in a few days.

The next place he tried was at her house, he tried knocking several times and nobody answered. He got impatient, with one kick the door swung open. He entered the house to find nobody there, he searched the whole place. It wasn't until he went to the kitchen that he got some form of clue. It was a letter from Annabeth's father addressed to Annabeth. He'd left for five months without explanation. Even Luke thought that was low, and that was saying something.

But, from the looks of this her father had left without her. So where was Annabeth, after a moment of thought Luke knew who he had to visit. The only person who Annabeth would tell anything to, her only friend by the looks of things. Bianca Di Angelo.


Luke could not believe how long it took him to find Bianca's house. Honestly the town isn't even that big. It was almost midnight when he got there, but he still thought it was an okay idea to knock as hard as he could. When someone finally answered it wasn't Bianca. It was a younger boy, he had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was still groggy and obviously dazed.

" What in the name of all that is good, has you knocking on the door. " The boy responded.

" I'm looking for Bianca Di Angelo. " Luke explained.

At the mention of Bianca the boy appeared to become a little more alert. " What do you want with my sister. " He reached for what could've been a coat stand and pulled out a black dagger.

" Listen kid, you don't want to do that. You're in over your head. Now just go get Bianca like a good little boy. " Luke reached out to pat his head. But the boy was fast, he grabbed Luke by the wrist and put him in an arm bar.

" And you obviously don't know who you're dealing with.

" Nico! Let him go. " Said a voice from inside the house. In a few moments a girl who Luke assumed to be Bianca appeared at the door.

" What do you want. " She said. Her voice was groggy and she was rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

" I'm gathering information in regards to where Annabeth went. " Luke started. " You seem to be the only friend she had. So I want to know everything you know. " 

" Why would I tell you that. " Bianca replied crossing her arms in defiance. She'd heard all of Annabeth's stories about how Luke was relentless and incredibly persistent when he wanted something. So she wasn't going to give it to him without a fight.

" Because, I care very deeply about Annabeth. And I want to see her safely home. " Luke explained, he was trying to sound sincere but upon looking into his eyes Bianca saw a more violent passion for what he was talking about. Maybe he did actually care, she thought for a moment.

" Why do you care so much about her. You could have any other girl in this town by your side at the snap of your fingers. " Bianca began.
" Why do you care so much about someone who so obviously not interested? "

" Because I love Annabeth. " Luke stated.
" More than I can easily express. "

Shocked at his response, but still not believing him Bianca retorted. " Do you love her. Or looking at her. "

With a sly smile that made Bianca sick to her stomach. Luke replied. " You see that doesn't really matter sweetheart. Because Annabeth's father, Fredrick Chase. He's already given her to me. He left for Athens to get things for the wedding that will be taking place after he gets back. Weather she likes me or not. " 

Shocked out of her mind. Bianca didn't know what to say.
Except everything.

Hey guys I'm still alive. Just had a little bit of writers block. Not fun to say the least. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and that surprise near the end. I realized while writhing this that I enjoy being evil. 😈😈😈 I'm gonna try and give you guys another chapter again soon. Till then...
Stay amazhang
- Buddy_2002 💙💙💙

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