Chapter 13

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Annabeth's pov

There was a sad look in Percy's eyes when he looked into the ballroom. I couldn't understand why, it was gorgeous. All the bronze elements on the wall shone so brightly I could see myself.

I'd never seen anything more beautiful in my life. Yet, I could see him tighten up as he looked around.

" Is there something wrong?" I asked. I was very concerned. I'd never seen this. He'd gone pale. His eyes clouded over. And it looked like he was about to cry.

"No. " His voice cracked. " I'm completely fine. He smiled at me. With a lopsided grin. I didn't believe him though.

" I didn't bring you here just to show you the room. " He'd turns around so that he faced me. I then registered what was about to happen and I could feel the warmth running to my face. He bowed in an extremely dramatic way as he said " May I have this dance. "

I giggled and replied with same amount of over exaggeration. "But, of course."

He looked almost surprised when I said yes. "May I warn you I haven't danced in years. "

" Well don't worry because I've never danced with a partner " I replied

He led me to the middle of the dance floor. He the spun me around and pulled me close. My face went flush with our sudden closeness.

Out of nowhere music started playing. A beautiful melody.

We simply swayed with the music for the first little while. Then we picked up the pace a little so we were following the tempo. It was the most fun I'd ever had.

The song finished with us being nose to nose. My stomach was alive with thousands of those all too famous butterflies.

We were breathing heavily and I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face.

I knew this was the perfect moment to kiss him. But I hesitated. Sure the moment was perfect. But I hadn't yet decided my emotions towards him yet. I knew they existed, but I wasn't sure what to make of them.

I realized that neither of us had said a thing and we were still in the same position as we were when the music stopped.

He broke the silence. Saying, " You're an excellent dancer ". With the same lopsided grin he'd given me earlier.

I smiled at his compliment and replied " You're not so bad yourself."


My phone is being stupid and not letting me use bold or italics. But anyway, I'm back. I hope you guys enjoyed another chapter of my terrible book. As usual and criticism or ideas you have. I am completely open. I want to make this book better for you.

Anyway stay amazhang!!
- Buddy_2002💙💙💙

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