Chapter 18

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Annabeth's pov


That was my only thought as I began leaning my back against the door to Percy's study. My whole body was still tingling from what had just happened. Leaning against the door was nice because it felt as though someone was countering my weight by leaning against the door as well. It was kind of a nice moment. Until it ended when whatever pressure was against the door moved and I realized how alone I was in the hallway. I didn't let myself think it was Percy, I don't know why. Maybe there was more comfort in believing that it was my imagination.

I had so many questions. Too many to count. I guess I took too long. That's why he said goodbye. My stupid brain was so hung up in the moment of my first kiss proper that I didn't know what to say. Now he probably thinks the worst. I need to explain. But not now. I need to calm down, and get my heart rate down in particular. I don't know how long I stood there. But it didn't seem like too long.

I just don't understand. We've only been hanging out for a little while, how could he admit that he loves me. I mean I kind of figured out that he liked me. But love? Really?

Something didn't make sense. There were so many things running around in my brain that I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. So I decided to go to the kitchen and make myself a snack. I realized I hadn't eaten in a pretty long time.

When I arrived in the kitchen the sun was just above the horizon. I guess I'd stood at the door longer than I thought.

Then I noticed the trays on the counter. Once again Hazel had prepared us breakfast. Bless that girl. That means less work for my in a few hours time. I thought as I put my tray on the table and began picking at the food.

For a long time I just sat there in the blissful silence, content in the nothingness that consumed my mind. It was almost like an escape. From everyone and everything. Though sometimes it can lead me to some thoughts and memories that I'd rather forget.

Not today though. Today it was formulating a plan. Thinking of every possible outcome. Planning my every movement and word.

And if my mind is as good as always, there is nothing that could surprise me. ( Try me, challenge accepted )


After I finished preparing for what I was about to do, it was time to turn thoughts into actions. I was balancing a tray of food, my dagger was behind my back tucked into the folds of my belt. Just in case.

I walked cautiously up to Percy's study. As if he could hear me coming a mile away and could see my thoughts if I made a single sound. I don't know why I'd suddenly become so careful around him. Normally I could be around him and it was like I'd known him my whole life.

But today he was a stranger in my home. Yes, even though I've only been here a month or so, this is my home. This place took me in as a girl off the streets. The people here made me feel more at home than I ever did in that village.

After all, family isn't always the people you share blood with, it's the people you're willing to die for.


I arrived at the door and placed the tray on the ground as always. I knocked on the door and tried to be reasonable first.

" Good morning Percy. " I paused to see if there was a response from him. When there was nothing I got slightly curious. I then heard a soft sound that resembled snoring.

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