Chapter 22

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Percy's pov

The knock on the door snapped us both back into the real world. The fact that there was still people out there living their lives. It reminded me that being in this castle was like another world all together.

The knocks became louder, and more persistent the longer we made the person wait.

" I'll get it " Annabeth murmured softly as she left the room making little to no noise.

I followed her in order to see who it was, there'd been more knocks at that door in the past few months than there'd been in the past two years. But as I was leaving the room I saw Annabeth's dagger, I picked it up and tucked it behind me.

The knocker persisted. Getting louder, if that was even possible.

Once we reached the door, the knocker started yelling. But the door was so thick I couldn't make out what they was saying. Annabeth opened and gasped in shock.

In the doorway stood a tall muscular man. With light skin and pale blue eyes, hair the colour of bleached lemons.

" Hello dear, miss me. " The stranger started. His voice dropped with self confidence and narcissism. Dear? Was Annabeth already involved with someone?

" Never call me dear again Luke. How did you find me. " Annabeth spat out at him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

" I'm the best hunter in our village Annie, you think it was difficult for me to track down my future bride. " Luke said. I felt my heart crack. Future bride?

" wha-" Was all Annabeth could get out before Luke pulled her in and kissed her. It made me sick to my stomach, and as I could tell from her reaction Annabeth's feelings were mutual. He had a tight hold and she couldn't get away. She was hitting his shoulder trying to get him off her. I knew I had to step in.

" Excuse me. " I said rather loudly in order to get it through his obviously thick skull.

He broke the kiss and Annabeth was left gasping for a couple seconds. But I didn't focus on her. My sights were locked in the man in front of me. Once I got close we looked to be about the same size, he was only an inch or two taller.

" Who the hell are you" Luke spat at my feet. Sizing me up with his eyes.

" I should be the one asking you that, since you did barge onto my property and assault one of my employees. " I didn't need him to know my personal attachment to Annabeth. That might only aggravate him, and if I could avoid a fist fight I would. It's not that I can't fight, I'm just out of practice.

" How dare you Luke, how dare you. " Annabeth had taken her moment to collect herself. She was furious. And to be honest even I was afraid. I thought I'd seen her angry before. But that was nothing compared to the fireball that was about to go off on Luke.

I almost felt sorry for him.....

" I belong to no man! Not even him, " she pointed her finger at me. " I work for him. And I refuse to marry you. What on earth makes you think you can come, here kiss me and now claim that I am to be yours. Lastly, for the millionth time, my name is ANNABETH NOT ANNIE " She was really up in his face now. And with the most stern coldness she said. " I would sooner dig my own grave than marry you. To be fair though, there isn't much of a difference. "

Luke was angry, I guess he wasn't used to being told no. But what he did next he should regret for the rest of his life.

He hit her.

He slapped Annabeth across the face with such force she nearly fell to the ground. But before she could fall he caught her by the arm and held tight.

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