Chapter 16

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Percy pov

I made it back to my room with just enough time to spare. Only to find that my friends were already there and giving me scolding faces. Then once they looked me in the eyes they saw the dreamy expression I must've been sporting because Leo was the first to comment.

" Somebody is completely and utterly gone. " he said while chuckling. We all joined in. I could feel my ears warming up. Which only made them laugh even harder.

Then in unison Piper and Hazel asked. " How'd it go? " They then looked at each other grinned and looked back at me.

I of course began explaining the events of the night. How she looked, what we talked about, how it felt, every last detail even the part about the spider. They both slapped me when I told them how I said goodbye and told me I must apologize as soon as possible. I got a special threat from Thalia about that one. That seems fair. I told them everything though, besides of course me chickening out of kissing her. They'd never forgive me for that. By the end of it the girls were giggling and thinking of what to plan for our next ' date '. Hazel also said that she'd made breakfast for us both for tomorrow. In case Annabeth slept in. I thanked her in advance.

I then looked out the window. The worst hour of the night was upon us. We all gave each other hugs. For both Hazel and Frank, and Jason and Piper it was a kiss goodbye until tomorrow night. That was what hurt the most. They were so happy being with one another. I couldn't take that away from them. But I was. There was nobody to blame besides myself. I gave my goodbye hugs to the girls and to the guys and we all took position.

In the same order as always the changes started. First it was Hazel, because she's the youngest of all of us. She held hands with Frank as she changed and once she was done she was a small jewel in Frank's hand. Frank was a tough guy, but seeing that every night hurt him more than he'd let on. After he carefully placed her on the table he changed as well. It started at his feet and slowly but surly he froze in place as a suit of armour protecting the jewel on the table. Next in the order was Leo. He was short to begin with but when he changed he shrunk down and his back bent over to be the head of the hammer. He ended up being right next to Frank when he started so the handle of the hammer he turned into was leaning up against Frank. Then Piper. Her legs started to fuse together and just like with Hazel and Frank she was holding onto Jason's hand. And with that her fully transformed self was in his hand. Jason cautiously placed her on the table next to Hazel. Jason then covered his eyes, for reasons all to well known. It was Thalia's turn. Jason hated this part more than seeing Piper change. Because it must hurt a lot more when it's your sister. But once she changed her silver bow form was leaning against the table the other two girls were on. Lastly Jason, his arms fused to his body and his skin started to turn almost the same shade of gold as his hair. I had to look away at this point. He is one of my closest friends. They all are. I just can't bring myself to look at them all like that.

I then turned to the balcony. I lifted off the ground as usual. And started to feel the cold scales coming up from my skin, and the webbing return in between my fingers and toes. It used to hurt, I don't feel it anymore. Perhaps I'm simply too numb to feel it. I then gently landed in the ground and walked away from the balcony. I closed the door and locked it behind me. Nobody is allowed in. Only every once in a while do we do our transformations outside of that room. I asked them to do it in there so that I could keep them safe. Because the enchantress made it perfect clear. If anything happens to them while they are like this, they won't change back.

Once I made sure the door was locked. I went to bed and slept a dreamless sleep.


I awoke the next morning with the sun in my face. I hadn't realized that the drapes had been left open. I looked at my hands only to see the green scales and webbed fingers. Another day, time to count down until I changed back and I could see Annabeth.

I then heard a knock on my door. I looked at the height of the sun to see that it was almost noon. I'd slept in way later than usual. I walked to the door and almost turned the knob to open it. Quickly I pulled my hand back from the door. I knew it was Annabeth. She was probably dropping off one of the trays of food Hazel had made.

I heard footsteps walk away from the door. I wanted to speak with her so bad. I wanted to apologize to her. So, as quietly as I could, I opened the door and picked up the tray. I placed it on a nearby table and shut the door with extreme caution. By the time I'd closed the door I could barely hear her footsteps. I called her name to get her to come back.

" Annabeth, wait ".

" Yes. " I heard her call back. She still sounded a bit groggy. It was kind of cute.

"I can't come out and talk to you face to face but I do have something to discuss with you. " I say, I'm desperate to make her stay. But I cannot let her see me like this. I'd never see her again.

" Why can't you talk to me face to face?" She asked. My heart rate excelled, I had to think of an excuse. Fast. Though I did here footsteps getting louder, at least she was coming back.

" I have quite a lot of work to do. " I blurted out. I felt so terrible about all the lies. But it's my only option

" Why don't I simply com-"

" NO, I mean. No. It's very confidential. Just stay outside the door. " The truth is I haven't had work to do in years. The enchantress made sure that my kingdom didn't remember me. They continued on without a king or queen.

" Alright then. What is it you wanted to say. " She says. Success. My lame excuse worked.

" I simply wanted to apologize for my abrupt goodbye last night. " I say wholeheartedly.

" Thank you for your apology. " She says. Though I can tell she has questions. " But might I ask why you left so quickly. "

" I have no excuse for my behaviour. " I say looking at my feet. " All I know is that it was wrong. I should never have left the way I did. "

" I would also like to apologize. " She started.

" What on earth do you have to apologize for" I ask dumbfounded. " Last night was easily the best night I've had in years. Possibly ever. You have no reason to apologize. It was me who owed you the apology for leaving a beautiful lady so rudely "

" I was going to apologize for my. Wait- you think I'm beautiful. " She says with a shocked tone.

" Yes, of course. " I reply. How could she ask such a question? " How could I not. "

I could just imagine her looking at her feet. Her face going red. As if she's trying to avoid my nonexistent gaze.

" Thank you. " She responds. She then says. " You are probably the first man besides my father who's said that without his eyes racking up and down my body. "

" You should know, if we were looking at each other. I'd say the same, while looking straight into your eyes. " I say placing my hand on the door. I wish I could open it. I wish I knew what her response to me would be. That I would be given enough time to explain everything before she started running. Sadly my wishes never seem to come true.

" Once again. Thank you. " She thanks me again. Though I don't see the purpose, I simply stated the truth.

" I'd absolutely love to stay and talk. But I'd like to go and eat. " She says white a small laugh. As if laughing at herself for her excuse to leave.

" Yes, yes of course." I say laughing a little myself. It hadn't occurred to me that she hadn't eaten. " I'll see you tonight though right?"

" I wouldn't miss it for the world. " She replied. With those words, I was on cloud nine. Today just got a lot easier.

Hey, I'm back with another surprisingly long chapter. I hope you all enjoyed. Please leave your comments and criticism. Also don't forget to vote. I'm thinking about entering this story into the wattys. Any thoughts on if I should???

As always. Stay amazhang
- Buddy_2002 💙💙💙

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