Chapter 4

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Annabeth pov

I start packing my satchel with thinks I might need. I chose my satchel because it was one of the last things my mother gave to me before she died, and I'll be damed if I leave it behind. I only pack the essentials. Food for three days, a book, a blanket rolled up to be as small as possible, and my dagger.

I go outside to my horse Porkpi and prep her saddle. I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn around dagger in hand. " Who's there?" I say.
" wow calm down." Says a familiar voice. I quickly sheath my dagger. It's only my friend Bianca. She lives in the village and is the only person here I really get along with. She lives in the house down the road from me with her little brother Nico. He and I get along pretty well too. There's just something about him that lets off a force of darkness and despair. When I look into his eyes I don't see a happy boy like I should. I see a broken soul who's seen too much for his time.

"Hey, Bianca. Sorry about that ". I pull her into a hug.
" what are you doing?" She asked looking at my full satchel.
" getting out of this hell hole " I replied in a sarcastic tone.
" what do you mean? Where will you go?" She questioned, she sounded slightly worried.
" I don't know. But I know if I stay here I'll never leave"
She looked at me and I could see a twinge of sadness in her eyes. It made me want to reconsider leaving. But I knew I had too. There was nothing here for me.

"Goodbye " I give my only friend one last hug before mounting my horse and riding off into the great unknown. Where anything and everything can happen. Whereas others would be terrified, I couldn't be more thrilled.

Bello, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry it took soooooooo long. I haven't been feeling at my best mentally. But I'm in a better place for now. Please let me know what you think. I want to be a better writer. So please comment some suggestions to make this story better.

- Buddy_2002💙💙💙

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