Chapter 15

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Annabeth's pov.

Well dam me.
Well more accurately dam that spider. Everything was all sweet. Then out of the corner of my eye I see it.

I absolutely hate spiders. I always have and I probably always will.

But, seriously though, it had to show up right then and there. Percy probably thinks I'm insane.

Though I am curious as to why he ran off the way he did. He had a complete look of dread wash over his face when he looked out the window. I can tell he's hiding something. I'm just not sure what just yet.

I'll ask him about it tomorrow. He did ask to see me again. I can't wait. Tonight was easily one of the best nights of my life. The way we danced, it felt as though time had come to a stop.

I was so lost in thought I hadn't realized I'd walked to my room. I took my hair out, and slipped off my dress and put on my sleeping clothes.

Though I couldn't sleep.

I just poured my heart and soul on a platter to someone I barely know anything about. Sure he said the basic stuff. But other than that I have nothing to really go off of.

But it felt so good talking to him. It felt weird to tell someone everything I was feeling. But right after I finished it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. The moment was so perfect. His hand under my chin, it felt electrifying.

Then of course like everything good in my life, it was rudely interrupted. Percy probably thought I was completely stupid. I've been afraid of spiders all my life. So of course one had to show up and ruin it.

That was my last thought before falling into a dreamless blissful sleep.


I woke up in the morning with the sun in my eyes. I realize now I'd forgotten to close the drapes so that wouldn't happen. I'm just making a lot of really great decisions lately aren't I.

I noticed how high the sun was in the sky and realized that it was nearly noon. I had overslept. I quickly put on my normal clothes and tied up my hair.

I ran to the kitchen to find two hot trays of food. Someone must've left them knowing I would be exhausted after last night. How sweet.

I then read a note that I found laying in between the two trays.

Hello Annabeth,

I knew you would sleep in after the fun I heard you and Percy had last night. He wouldn't stay shut about how you two danced. It was actually quite funny. Anyway I made these up for you. The one with extra blueberries is for Percy. They're his favourite. Enjoy.

- Hazel

Bless that girl. I grabbed Percy's tray and carefully took it to his room. I knocked on the door same as always. Placed the tray on the ground and turned to leave. I hadn't even made it around the corner when I heard someone call my name.

" Annabeth, wait ". I heard from behind the door. I half expected to see the door open. But it didn't. That confused me, why would he call me back and not come out to see me. The tray had already been pulled inside the study. I wonder how I hadn't heard the door open.

" Yes. " I called back.

"I can't come out and talk to you face to face but I do have something to discuss with you. " He said from behind the door.

" Why can't you talk to me face to face?" I asked. Slowly walking towards the door.

" I have quite a lot of work to do. " He said with slight panic.

" Why don't I simply com-"

" NO, I mean. No. It's very confidential. Just stay outside the door. " He explained. I still didn't understand why. But, I respected his wishes and stood outside the door.

" Alright then. What is it you wanted to say. " I replied.

" I simply wanted to apologize for my abrupt goodbye last night. "

" Thank you for your apology. " I said politely.
" But might I ask why you left so quickly. "

" I have no excuse for my behaviour. " He said with a somber tone. " All I know is that it was wrong. I should never have left the way I did. "

" I would also like to apologize. " I started.

" What on earth do you have to apologize for?" He asked with a slight sense of shock in his words. " Last night was easily the best night I've had in years. Possibly ever. You have no reason to apologize. It was me who owed you the apology for leaving a beautiful lady so rudely "

"  I was going to apologize for my. Wait- you think I'm beautiful. " I said only just registering his final sentence.

" Yes, of course. " He said with a slight duh tone. As if it were obvious. " How could I not. "

The sentence made my face turn to such a deep shade of scarlet, I didn't know such a shade existed.

" Thank you. " I said wholeheartedly. " You are probably the first man besides my father who's said that without his eyes racking up and down my body. "

" You should know, if we were looking at each other. I'd say the same, while looking straight into your eyes. " The way he said those last few words made me feel that he was telling the truth.

It made me feel so confident about confiding in him last night. I felt as though I could trust him. It's only been a short while, but I felt really good being around him.

" Once again. Thank you. " I replied. I then realized how hungry I was. And I remembered the tray of food hazel had left me.

" I'd absolutely love to stay and talk. But I'd like to go and eat. " I said with a small chuckle at the end.

" Yes, yes of course. " He said also laughing a little. " I'll see you tonight though right?"

" I wouldn't miss it for the world. " I replied.


Hey, I'm back. This chapter is one of the longest I've ever written. I'm actually quite proud. And might I just say, wow and thank you.  Over 500 reads. That means the world to me.

Stay amazhang
- Buddy_2002 💙💙💙

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