The Soulmate Problem

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    I wasn't having the best first day of school, if I'm being completely honest. In fact maybe I should just stop there because me being completely honest gets messy pretty fast. Also I'm not good at being completely honest either, because talking to people is really hard so I'm not sure why I'm doing but I've already started so it's too late now.

    It basically started the first day of my senior year, of high school, because of course. High school doesn't let you leave before dragging you through the drama machine at least once.

    "Goodness Micah." Abby greeted me as we waited outside the school that morning.

    I always came early half the days of the week because my mom was a lawyer and had to be at work earlier than I had to be at school. The other half I was at my dad's and he was author.

    "What is it now?" I demanded hesitantly. "Do I have something stuck in my teeth or what?"

    "No you looked like you've been dragged under a bus." She snorted, taking a sip from the coffee she had.

    Abby was, pretty much my only friend. When I said earlier talking to people was hard I meant it, I am pathetic. Abby was okay though, she was good at being a good friend, I'm not entirely sure how I of all people was lucky enough to be her best friend, it just sorta happened. We were both into the same stuff, art and theatre, but neither of us were brave enough to actually pursue it. At least that was my excuse, Abby always said she didn't want to act because she didn't want to kiss any stranger, or anyone period.

    "Any particular reason behind it this time time or is it just general talking-to-people-you-haven't-seen-in-a-year anxiety?" She continued, pulling out a small hand mirror and fixing her makeup, as we sat against the wall.

    "Oh goodness." I sigh, reliving last night's memories. "You not gonna believe this."

    "Throw it at me home slice." She challenged, swiping her lipstick across her face.

    "So my parents have been emailing again-"

    "Oh, that's never good."

    "That's what I was thinking! Anyway, they've apparently decided that I have to make a visible effort to find my soulmate this year." I shuddered.

    Abby nodded. "So the whole me being your fake girlfriend has worn off huh?"

    I laughed dryly. "What am I gonna do?"

    Abby looked thoughtful while applying some blush. "Well, I can certainly help you. Let's start with attraction, you got any other crushes beside the queen herself?"

    "You know I don't."

    Abby put her makeup away and tapped her chin. "So we'll start with girls, and me being your best friend, I know your type."

    I frowned at her. "My type?"

    "Hopelessly out of your league."

    "Speak for yourself." I shot back grinning.

    She puckered her lips and put her hand below her chin. "Honey if anyone's gonna be doing friendzoning, it's gonna be me. Ain't nobody touching my aromantic butt. Anyway, I'll see if I can gather a few girls you can shake hands with today, lunch or after."

    "Thank you so much." I breathed, absolutely relived. "I don't know what I would do without you."

    She fist bumped me. "No problem my man. Nothing bad's happening in Oz."

    It was at that moment school started, and we didn't have first period together so we parted ways. It was time to start the first day of school, hopefully this would be my last.

    Something's compelling me to tell you about our little world here. My parents wanted me to find me soulmate, the person I was destined to spend the rest of my life with. You might be wondering how someone would determine who they soulmate was. It was pretty simple, depending on where you lived. Here in Greenflower, whenever you touched your soulmate, your heart would glow. It was bright enough to see through your chest and certain clothes, I've heard stories of how beautiful it is. Of course I've never seen it myself, because I'm still very much a single pringle.

    Maybe, hopefully, this year that would change.

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