Greg And Testosterone

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I came home that day to find Greg laying on the couch on his phone.

"Hey handsome." I greeted, trying out the compliment tactic.

He looked up at me, as if expecting something else to follow that.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

I grinned. "Nothing. You just look like such a guy today."

Greg smiled, but in a away that told me he knew something was up. "Okay what's up, seriously, you're making me blush."

"Okay, serious question." I sat down on the arm of the couch and looked down at him. "Are you taking testosterone?"

He snorted. "I'm flattered that you can't tell, but no."

"Do you want to?" I questioned.

He sat up and let his blonde hair flop back adorable. "Are you serious?"

I nodded. "Yes...?"

He laughed, short and quick, like duh. "Y-yes of course? I would kill for that."

"Well Ms. Pelony was talking and she was saying how it would be pretty easy for us to to get you an appointment- are you okay?"

I stopped because he looked like he was going to start crying.

"You're serious? You would do that for me?" He asked again, in disbelief it sounded like.

I nodded again. "Of course! I love you."

He sniffed. "Oh geeze. I...I don't know what to say."

I wrapped my arms around and squeezed him tight. "Say thank you, you dork. You manly little dork."

"Th-thanks?" He gasped. "Micah I can't breathe."

"Hey dad?" I yelled.

He popped his head around the corner. "Yeah?"

"Can we schedule Greg a therapist appointment so he can get a testosterone prescription?"

My dad shrugged. "I don't see why not?"

"Oh my God." Greg screeched gently, from inside my embrace.

About three days later, we were waiting outside the door of a psychiatrist who had agreed to to see Greg on Ms. Pelony's recommendation.

The door opened and Greg stepped out. He was a strange, disconnected, look on his face. He look up at me, then all of a sudden a wide grin broke out on his face. He held up a peice of paper.

"I got it, I got the letter." He breathed. "I can start T now."

I grinned, beaming with happiness. Greg was smiling so much it looked like he was going to explode. A man walked out of the room behind him.

"Yes you did, now you just have to take that to your nearest pharmacy and your all clear. Your insurance should cover this, Mr. Halabi." The man said.

"Thank you so much, I can see how much this means to him." My dad said graciously as he shook hands with the guy.

"Have a nice day." He waved.

Greg put his hands on my face and yanked me down to kiss me. I wasn't expecting it so it was sloppy at first, but I eventually leaned back into it.

"Boys, we gotta go." My dad said, amused.

I leaned back again, breaking the kiss. Greg was still grinning out of his mind. We held hands all the way out of the place.

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