Sombody Once Said Lying is The Most Fun a Girl Can Have But I Disagree

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It was near midnight when we finally packed up and left.

Greg had driven here, because his house was a while away. I had walked, because I didn't have a car. He offered to drive me home so I didn't have to walk in the dark.

"Why not learn to drive and borrow your parents car?" He asked, as I switched from staring at the road and at him.

"I dunno if I want to, driving kinda scares me." I shrugged.

He smiled slightly at me, probably amused. Both of us looked pretty disheveled. Disheveled but extremely happy.

"Your parents aren't gonna to do anything bad to you for staying out so late, are they?" I asked, suddenly worried.

Greg shrugged. "I told them I was doing some last minute studying for a test that's not real with a bunch of other girls, so probably not."

"Oh that's good, I should have thought of that." I realized. "Crap, I don't think I told my dad anything but 'I'm going out'."

Greg frowned. "I mean, you weren't lying."

I pulled out my phone and opened it, only to realize I was correct, there was like five missed calls and a numerous amount of texts, mostly from my dad, but also from my mom. Crap, that means that both of them are in on it. Even better, my mom's car is in the driveway when we pull up to it, they were both in on it and they were both in the same household.

"I'm in trouble." I breathed, realizing this suddenly.

"You want me to stay?" Greg asked, noticing the second car as well.

"No, I'll make something up, maybe I'll use your excuse." I sighed, feeling the anxiety pressure build up around my chest, this wasn't gonna be good.

"Okay." Greg paused a moment, he could probably feel me getting worked up.

He grabbed my hand and made sure I was looking at him before he said goodbye. "Be safe okay?"

"I promise." I agreed. "Now you kinda need to unlock the door."

I pulled at it a bunch of times and made that annoying clicking noise that all kids have done at least once in their lives. Greg smiled gently before pulled my head closer for one last kiss, I felt my heart flutter.

I think I'm in love with him.

"Micah!" My dad suddenly called out angrily, storming out of the house.

"You gotta go." I ordered, to Greg, climbing out of the car, he nodded and drove away as fast as he could.

I turned to my dad and hoped he hadn't seen me kissing Greg, kissing a boy. My mom came rushing out the door after him and promptly scoop me up in her arms and squeeze me so tight that I couldn't breath.

"I was so worried about you!" She gasped, letting me go so I could breathe. "You disappear for hours without telling anyone! What were you thinking!"

"Who was that?" My dad demanded. "We called Abby and she told us you were on a date, with who?"

My heart skipped a beat. I can't believe Abby had told them that. They must have told her parents too, that's why. Abby would never betray me like that.

"No one, and it wasn't a date." I insisted, stepping back from them, it was to many questions at once, to many words.

"Are you lying to us?" My Dad demanded.

"If he's lying then it might be because of us, back off." My mom turned on him.

"You guys stop it!" I demanded. "Fine...I was on a date, okay?"

My dad's eyes narrowed. "Why were out so late?"

"I lost track of time." I sighed, pushing past them. "And now I'm really tired."

"You can't just leave yet." My dad demanded.

"Honey, we do need to talk about this." My mom agreed.

They sat me down on the couch, it was almost one A.M. I wanted to cry.

"First of all, we're not mad at you, we're just worried." My mom started. "Can you start by telling us her name at least?"

I shook my head.

They looked at each other in desperation. "Why not?"

"I just can't." I chocked out, I could feel the tears coming.

"If it's her family that's the matter, then we don't care about things like that, Micah, if she's makes you happy then we don't care." My dad explained, cooling down a little.

"I can't tell you." I repeated.

My mom's face had gone a little spacey for a moment, then her eyes widened. "Have this girl, is she your soulmate? Are you afraid to tell us because we made such a big deal of it?"

I didn't answer her.

"Son...if she's your soulmate then we want to meet, her, we won't embarrass you I promise." My dad continued.

"Do you you think we won't like her or something?"

Him. Greg told me to stay safe, but I don't know if I can stand lying anymore. I wasn't ready for this, but I didn't any other choice.

"I don't have have a girlfriend." I started.

"Honey, we just saw you-"

"I have a boyfriend." I spat out before she could say anything else.

I watched their faces carefully. My dad's was monotone, my mom's eyes had widened in shock.

"Is...he...your soulmate?" My mom asked slowly.

"He obviously isn't, because Micah isn't gay." My dad interrupted.

"I'm not gay." I agreed, and they both looked at me for a second. "I'm bi."

"That's not a real thing." My dad said again, his face was getting red.

I stood up, my heart pounding in my chest. "I'm bisexual, I have a boyfriend, and he's my soulmate."

I should have seen his hand coming. I didn't even feel it, I just felt my neck snap back then felt the sting on my cheek. He hit me. My dad had hit me. My mom screeched in protest and got in front of me and him. I could barely hear anything anymore. There was yelling. I covered my ears I think I cried. Then I got into my mom's car, she was taking me back to her house.

I was only aware of bruise forming on the side of my face.

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