I'm Okay With It

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    I should have know that trusting Isaac to keep his mouth shut, is like expecting sardines to start swimming again after you've peeled back the tin. After Greg and split up for our classes, I noticed I was getting looks. For someone like me, who takes small things like this extremely overboard, I was starting to panic. Especially since I was alone, I wan't seeing any of my friends until lunch. Not to mention I could do anything about it except breathe, because my benzos were in my locker.

    So yeah, I was doing just fine.

    "Hey Halabi!" Someone called from down the hall.

    I closed my locker and turned to see a very buff guy zero in on me from down the hall. I think I recognized him from one of my classes, but I didn't know his name. It soon became clear by his stance and his letter man jacket that this was not a friendly encounter.

    "Heard you were kissing up that Gregory freak." He taunted.

    I flinched slightly, but tried to ignore him.

    "Does Halabi like to kiss boys?" He asked in a cooing, baby voice. "Why'd you come to school pervert?"

    What was I supposed to do? I couldn't of anything but just continuing to walk, when all of a sudden he pushed and I slammed against the wall.

    The guy got up in my face. "Filthy homos like you shouldn't be allowed out of the house."

    I started hyperventilating, I couldn't help it. "Sh-shut up!"

    "Aw he's scared."

    People were starting to glance over worriedly. They were starting to form a crowd. I could barely process what was going on. Then all of a sudden he was gone.

    "You get your dirty hands off him, jerkwad." Abby said coldly, I realized she had flipped him over her shoulder.

    "I'm the victim here!" The guy yelled. "He was trying to kiss me! I said no but he's gone crazy!"

    "You wish Micah wanted to kiss you, mashed potato face." She shot back, helping me up to my feet.

    The guy raised his fists in a sloppy attempt to save his dignity. Abby returned that with a proper stance, anxiously more skilled.

    "Six years of martial arts, I'm not afraid of suspension." Abby warned.

    He backed off, returning to his pack of letterman jackets waiting down the hall. Abby looked to me, I was shaking, badly.

    "You okay?" She asked, hugging me gently.

    "I'm fine." I managed. "I'm just...a little shaken up."

    "You've probably got Greg worried." Abby laughed dryly.

    It was almost bitter, the way she said it.

    "Yeah, but I'm glad you came. Greg acts tough but he defiantly can't flip someone over his shoulder." I pointed out, picking up my books.

    "Yeah. You should probably go find him." She sighed.

    I stopped, then looked at her. "Are you jealous?"

    She frowned. "Micah, you know I don't get jealous over other people's relationships."

    "I haven't been spending a lot of time with you, have I?" I realized, feeling my heart sink.

    She was silent for a bit. I was right, I felt terrible.

    "I'm sorry. You probably think I've replaced you." I said, voice wavering in horror.

    She wiped her eyes. "No, it's just," her voice cracked, "I know I'm never gonna fall in love right? That's not a bad thing. That just means I value my friendships a lot more."

    She wiped her eyes again. "You're the closest thing I will ever have to a boyfriend Micah. You're my best friend. Sometimes it feels like you're my only friend. I'm kinda scared of loosing that."

    "Is that why you were so quiet yesterday?" I asked softly.

    She nodded. "Sorry."

    "No I'm sorry. I promise Greg will never replace you." I swore, then laughed.

    "To be honest he can be kinda of a dork sometimes." I admitted.

    As if proving my point, I potted him suddenly appear the the end of the hall way. He lock eyes on me and ran towards me, fists up despite his short and soft demeanor.

    "Who's messing with you? I'll mess them up." He demanded, glaring intensity at everyone within a five foot radius.

    "Just a bully, I'm fine now." I explained. "Abby flipped him over her back."

    Greg's eyes widened. "Whoa. I've had to deal with about five this morning alone, so I think it's safe to say that little brat outed us."

    I nodded, biting my tongue.

    "I heard about that, I'm sorry." Abby disapproved.

    "I think..." I said slowly, the two of them look at me. "I think I'm okay with it."

    "Really?" Greg asked in surprise. "You nearly got beat up and you're okay with it? I'm not okay with that."

    "I'm okay with other people knowing." I said slowly.

    "That's great!" Abby congratulated. "You guys have made so much progress. I'm proud."

    Greg squinted. "Well, I don't really care now either way, so I guess I'm okay with it too."

    I grinned. "We've also got class to get to as well, don't forget that you guys."

    "Right." Abby realized, see you later!"

    She waved and Greg started off in a different direction. The all of a sudden he turned around, and ran back.

    "What-?" I asked before he pulled me into a quick but surprisingly passionate kiss.

    In front of everyone.

    He broke it almost immediately, but it was dramatic enough to turn a few heads. He waved as he ran through the halls again.

    "Proud of you!" He yelled from across the hall.

    I blinked, still processing that. Then I smiled.

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