This Concludes Act One

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    He looked surprised to see I was still there. He was still in his gym clothes too, I was just about to change into shorts, currently shirtless, so I'm glad he came in when he did.

    "What are you doing here Halabi?" He questioned, with only a hint of menace in his voice today, oh wonderful, maybe I would get off easy.

    I gestured around to the locker room. "Changing."

    Greg grimaced. "Get out."

    I raised an eye at him. "Uh, I'm not done."

    "I said get out." He repeated, voice restored to maximum villainous tone.

    "You c-can't just kick me out!" I insisted. "You should have come at the normal time like everyone else, creep!"

    He started towards me. "Why don't you just listen to me for once? Why do you always have to get on my nerves!"

    "Because you're a jerk! I'm not gonna listen you you." I spat back, feeling strangely brave again. "Besides we can just share the locker room for goodness sake, that's why it was built."

    Greg let out and exasperated grunt and swung his fist at me. Or at least he tried to. I was already expecting it and just managed to get out his way of his fist. Only now I was in the way of his feet and he fell into me, knocking us both over.

    I felt that familiar rush that I was getting used to by now whenever I encountered Greg, I blamed it on adrenaline. He fell on top of me, and I started to struggle, when he suddenly used it to his advantage and pinned me down.

    "I said you were gonna be sorry." He hissed. "And now your friends aren't here to..."

    He trailed off suddenly, and stared at me, his eyes widening in disbelief as his enraged expression softened.

    "I'm not scared of you." I insisted weakly, he was surprisingly heavy now that he was sitting on top of me.

    He didn't even react, he just kept staring at me in shock. I was starting to wonder if I had broken him or something, when he reached up to his shirt and pulled the neck down, ever so slightly.

    It took me a full three seconds to realize his chest had lit up like a firefly.

    I looked down at my own, to see it glowing brilliantly, you could see the outline of my ribs as it pulsed. It was fast, probably matching my heartbeat.

    "Micah..." Greg started, his voice raspy with disbelief.

    Gregory Smith was my soulmate.

    Gregory Smith was my soulmate.

    I pushed him off me, which was easy now that he was distracted, he fell back on his elbows and I scooted away from him until I hit a wall. He was still staring at me, neither of us knew what to say. The only sound was our panicked breathing.

    I did the one thing I did best, I stood up and I ran.

    "Micah!" Greg called after me.

    I pretended to ignore him. The glow faded the father away I got from him. Good, or bad. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

    Gregory Smith is my soulmate.

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