Double Sided

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"You saw what?" Abby demanded, over the phone that night, the first thing I had done was call her.

"Julia helped Greg beat up Alex, he's in the play with me." I explained again, my hands had started shaking again.

Abby was silent for a bit. "What did Alex do?"

"He caught Greg stealing tampons or something."

"And Julia sided with Gregory?"

"I...I don't understand it either." I agreed, my voice cracking.

Abby muttered a few things under her breath. "There's got to be more to the story that this. That's so unJulia of her."

I didn't say anything, I didn't really know what to say. I was kinda freaking out.

"You okay Micah?" She asked.

"Yeah...I'll be fine. I just don't understand any of this." I assured her.

"If it helps, I don't think Julia's a bad person, I just think there's a lot we don't know. I mean, is anyone in Greenflower High actually friends with Greg? Does he have any friends? Maybe somehow Julia's actions are justified." She comforted.

"I guess..."

There was some mumbling from her side of the phone, it sounded like her parents.

"Listen Micah, I've got violin practice, I gotta go. I'll do some digging around and get back to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I sighed.

"See you tomorrow."

She hung up and I was left to stew with my thoughts alone in my room. In the dark, all by myself. I thought about the one time Julia singlehandedly started the school's first food drive. How she won class president, and became leader of the debate team that one year. Julia always did thing to help other people, she didn't beat up kids. Not kids like Alex, that part also didn't make sense because Alex was super nice.

Maybe the wonderful Julia woods was a little more double sided that I thought.

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