The Soulmate Problem (Reprise)

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It was a good thing that P.E. was my last class, because I don't know what I would have been able to sit through anymore classes after what just happened.

Greg is your soulmate.

I felt sick and shaky on the bus ride home. I couldn't believe what had just happened. This was wrong, this is wrong. The universe must have made a mistake. There was no way a jerk like Greg could be the person I was destined to fall in love with. He was a boy. I was pretty sure I wasn't into boys. Was I? Did I know?

I was shaking when I dialed Abby for the third time, she wasn't picking up. I know she was busy a lot, but I really needed to her right now. I pressed my fingers against my chest, I had left my shirt back at the school, and had gotten a new one since I got home. I could still barely see the glow, I could still imagine. I could still imagine how it felt, to be that close.

"Micah? Is something wrong?" Abby asked, immediately, once she finally answered the phone.

"Uh, um. Yes, and no." I forced out, trying to keep my voice steady.

"What is it? Do I need to come over?"

"Er. I uh, I found my...I might have found my, my soulmate." I stammered, it was making my face hot just thinking about it.

I heard a loud screech from her end. "Micah! That's amazing. I'll be over in five minutes, you need to tell me everything."

She was wrong, Abby managed to get here in three minutes. I was counting. I opened the door and she threw her arms around me.

"Alright alright, I'm listening. Tell me all about her, what happened? How did you find out?" She begged, we have moved to my room and she was sitting cross cross on my bed while I paced. I couldn't concentrate sitting down.

"Um, well." How was I going to say this. "First of all it's...they're not a her."

Abby's widened, and clasped her hands to her face slowly, grinning madly. "Does that mean what I think it means?"

I swallowed roughly and nodded.

"Who is he? Do I know him?" She demanded.

"It's...G-Greg." I finally forced out. "It's Greg. Greg's my soulmate."

Abby's overly happy expression evaporated and she looked like me like she expected me to start laughing, ha ha don't worry, it was all a big joke. My real soulmate is much better! I wasn't joking, I was dead serious, and trying my best not to cry for no reason.

"You're kidding right?" She blinked. "Gregory?"

I shook my head slowly.

"How on Earth did you find that out?" She inquired, scooting forward.

"I was in the locker rooms, and he tried to force me out before I was done changing, and he fell on me." I squeaked.

"Is that why you're still wearing gym shorts?" She smirked at me.


"Well what happened after that?" She continued, still hanging on my every word.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "I just went home after that."

Abby looked absolutely dumbfounded. "You mean you didn't talk to him about it?"

"No! What would I have said? We hate each other!" I sputtered.

Abby shook her head. "Micah you don't know that, just because he was mean to you that doesn't mean he hates you. What if he thinks you don't like him?"

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