The Bad Idea Party

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    "A party?" My mom asked, once I had asked her. "That sounds like a terrible idea."

    Well, at least I know where I get it from.

    "There's this girl I like, she's going." I half lied, I really hoped Abby would come through.

    She frowned and shook her head. "No, absolutely not. I can't let you go."

    "Mom!-" I protested, even though I just ever so slightly relieved.

    "Next time you want to go to a party just let me know ahead of time. It's such short notice, and I have a client in," she looked down at her watch, "thirty minutes. Dinner's in the fridge, I'll be back around ten, don't stay up too late doing homework."

    I sighed and flopped down on the cough.

    "Don't even think about going to that party." She ordered, grabbing her keys.

    "Yeah...don't worry." I replied weakly.

    Thirty minutes later Abby showed up at my door, in the dark, dressed in a short, navy blue, frilly dress. He dangled her car keys with a smile.

    "You ready?" She asked. "Cause I am."

    I think it was too late to turn back now. I grabbed a jacket and my phone, and my anxiety medication, just in case. Then we got in the car and was ready to go.

    "Do you even know where we're going?" I asked as we zoomed along the street.

    "Oh yeah, don't worry I've got everything covered. Have you though about hoe you're gonna talk to Julia?"

    Admittedly, I had run that scenario through my head a few times. When I said a few I meant a few hundred of course.

    "I was thinking a casual high five would be best." I shrugged.

    Abby nodded, and made the OK sign with hand. "That's perfect."

    The first thing I noticed when we walked inside of what I assumed was Abe's house was Alex, who was playing twister, except he was doing a handstand instead of, you know, normally playing twister. It didn't take long for Abe to find us.

    "Micah!" He smiled. "I didn't think you'd come."

     "I didn't either, to be honest." I admitted.       

    "You can blame me for that." Abby grinned. "My name's Abigail Green, but you can call me Abby."

    "It's nice to meet you Abby, welcome to the party." Abe nodded slightly. "Refreshments are over there is you want any, there are plenty of games if you're bored."

    "Sweet, you gotta introduce me to your theatre friends." Abby cheered, running off.

    "There isn't any alcohol here, is there?" I asked Abe, as he watched from the corner.

    Abe shrugged. "Without a doubt someone sneaking it in, not as soon as I catch them though. I'm only serving punch and soda."

    "Oh okay." I replied, that was a somewhat comforting.

    I thought I spotted Julia in a hallway, talking to Arthur. I was relived to see she was here until I noticed that both of them seemed upset. I stopped myself from going up to her, as Arthur suddenly threw his hands up in the air and stormed away.

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