Chapter 23~ the Competition

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    (Titli's P.O.V)

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One day, I saw discussing with his friends they were thinking to bribe teachers to make them pass on papers, or they would make some mischievous act to scare them  . I overheard their discussions and I went to him after some hours . I advised him to not do the nonsense acts which was he planning .

"look who's talking! Do you really think I'd listen words from a third class girl like you?"

"look. You should always be honest. If you are bad at studies, you should work hard , if you get less marks it wouldn't matter if you study in your best level!"

"oh shut up . How dare you to teach me what should I do or not? Just back off! Vivan, Rahul , Akash ..let's go from here!"

The next day I got to know their new plan and I complained to principal about this.

At night, his friends Vivan, Rahul, Ahana, Akash and Riya went to the teacher's cabin secretly to steal question papers . They all were searching while Ayush was guiding them . On that time, I reached there with principal, some teachers and guards to catch them red-handed .

"I feel ashamed of you guys! You guys are destroying our reputation though we can't do anything against you because of your influential families ! But you guys are not allowed to take part in any activities in college for next 2 weeks! Not in studies, not in sports got it? And Ayush! You are the mastermind of all  disasters!! I will call your sister now to not let you go out from house!" The vice-principal said very angrily.

"please sir! Dont call my di! We are accepting the punishment!" Ayush said sadly and then looked at me with lots of hatred and anger filled eyes .

Next day, I  was feeling very hungry after joining classes for 4 hours continuously and went to canteen.

"hey moti! How are you??" Someone splashed water on me from back  .

I turned back to see Ayush sitting keeping legs on a chair and pointing figure to me . His friends were sitting with him . Some of them were preventing him, while some of them where encouraging .

I adjusted my spectacle on eyes in nervousness and went to him . The stupid boy was roaming around me spinning a key in his finger .

"do you know what a bug mistake you have done yesterday?"

" I didn't make any mistake. I just didn't let a crime to happen and I did it to make you mend your mistakes!"

He got very angry and snatched my notebook from me . He was about to tore it .

"please ! Don't do it! I beg you!"

"junior ho! Behave like junior ! Don't try to be oversmart with us!"

Suddenly he took my pasta and moved back.

"you fatty! How much do you eat! I wonder you will burst out one day!"

"I didn't eat food whole day! Please let me eat!" I said looking at ground .

"really? Take your food! Saying these he poured the pasta over my head.

"you should not disrespect food!!" I said angrily.

"oh really? eat it! Collect them from everywhere it spilled! Even from my shoes! Just have them !"

 I became shocked and looked at him with my glassy eyes .

"Ayush!! What the heck did you do!!" Naina said rushing towards me .

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