Imagine For Breanna

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"I can't believe you!" You scream towards Michael in absolute fury at the fact he was late coming home again. "You told me just last night there'd be no more of this! But oh no, here you come home three hours later than you were suppose to!"

"Bre," Michael begins, trying to remain his cool. "I have a perfectly reasonable explanation!"

"Oh, sure you do Michael!" You snap back, fisting your hands together in hope it'll help with controlling your immense anger. "Don't you always!?"

"Listen, you have to listen to me!" Michael shouts. "I do!"

"Maybe I don't want to listen! Maybe I'm tired of listening!" You scream back, swiftly turning around in pursuit of


"Wait!" Michael calls to you grabbing your hand. "You need to listen to me!" He pleadingly asks of you, now dipping his hand into his pocket in search of something.

"Michael, seri-" You begin before stopping completely at the sight of Michael pulling out a small, black, and velvet box as he slowly descends to one knee.

"Breanna," He begins, a weak smile on his lips. "This isn't exactly the mood I'd hoped we'd be in when I asked this, but I feel I  need to ask before either of us say something stupid and I never get the chance to." He chuckles. "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and... and I'm horrible with speeches so, I guess all I'm really asking is.. will you marry me?" He finishes, his eyes searching yours hope filled in them both.

"Oh Michael!" You cry out in joy, wrapping your arms around him as your thoughts on the fight are put far behind.

"Of course I will."

I'm gong to do like, two more after this, because after that my family and me are going to be watching 'The Bible' thingy History Channel did for our Lenten family activity! *cue unenthusiastic jazz hands*

Skylar xx

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