Imagine For Natalie

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"Michael?" You call out, sitting up in your bed as you hear the front door slam. "Is that you?" You ask, looking over a the clock to see it read '3:30am'.

"Yeah.." You hear him mumble, the sound of keys dropping on the coffee table following."It's me."

"Oh.." You breathe, only loud enough for you to hear before standing up and walking into the living room where Michael sat, some late night show flashing on the TV. "Where have you been?" You ask, already knowing the answer as he begins to respond, alcohol lacing his breath.

"Out at some Pub with the lads, that's all." He mumbles, as you narrow your eyes at him.

"That's all!?" You ask, livid. "That's the fifth time this week Michael!"

"So, I'm just having fun!?" Michael snorts, looking away from the TV to stare at you. "Something you clearly don't know how do." He concludes nastily.

"Excuse you?"

"It's true." Michael says, rolling his eyes as you get up from the couch appalled. "All you know how to do is nag!"

"Michael Clifford!" You gasp. "I do not!"

"Yeah, alright, just shut up now will ya?" Michael asks, focusing back at the TV. "I can't hear what's happening over your whiney voice."

"That's it! I'm done!" You scream towards him, not even thinking of putting on decent clothing as you walk towards the door in fury.

"Oh, you're done!" Michael shouts after you from his spot on the couch. "How could you possibly be done, when you don't even have to put up with your own shit!"

"I just am Michael!" You cry, hand on the door knob threatening him of you leaving. "I just am..."

"Listen, Natalie it's raining..." Michael begins, now realizing your own intentions as he slowly begins to stand. "Why don't you just stay, I'll sleep on the couch tonight, and we can work this out in the morning."

"No Michael, there is no 'working this out'." You tell him angrily, ignoring his pleas as you rip open the front door escaping out into the rain. And what a cold rain it is. You conclude to yourself, walking further down the deserted street cursing at yourself for not taking the car, but it's to late now.

You were not going to give Michael the satisfaction of coming back for even a minute.

Well this is the saddest ending I was willing to do, because I didn't want be too sad, because that's well... sad.

Skylar xx

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