Imagine For Michelle

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"Olympic quality, right there people!" You shout to the poolside of your Hawaiian hotel, giving Calum praise for his 'perfect' dive.

"Oh please, Michelle." He gushes, swimming over to where you sat at the waters edge. "You're making me blush!"

"Well, what can I say..." You shrug, giving him a cocky smirk and wiggling your eyebrows. "It's one of my many talents."

"Oh, yeah, sure." He snorts as you let out a faked gasp, kicking your feet up to splash him with water. "Hey!" He shouts, moving his hand swiftly back before bringing it quickly forward again; hitting you with a wave of water. "Not cool Micky (Don't ask, I thought it'd be a cool nickname for someone named Michelle)!"

"Not cool?" You tell him, motioning towards your soaked clothes. "You're in the pool! I'm out of the pool, in clothes! Now, that's not cool." You huff, crossing your arms.

"Oh, Boohoo." Calum pouts at you, grabbing your arm.

"What are you doing?" You ask him suspicious, just as he yanks you forward; sending you and your already soaked outfit into the cooler water. "Calum I swear to God I'll kill you!" You scream, emerging from the depths as he wades a few feet away from you in hysterics.

"Yeah?" He wheezes, swimming towards you a small smirking pulling at his perfect lips. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, it is." You tell him, growing nervous as he begins to swim you against the pool wall.

"You're so cute." He admits to you, putting both hands on either side of your head.

"T-thank you?" You reply back, knowing fully well your cheek were now a deep scarlet.

"Yeah..." Calum breaths, his wet head coming close to yours as he searches your eyes. "Can I kiss you Mickey?" He then asks you, leaving your heart to leap in your chest.

"I, I uh, guess?" You stutter, still not thinking straight as he brings his head forward, and crashes his wet lips with yours. Finally proving his feelings to you after so many months of the lads telling him too.

And boy, were they glad about it.

Again, I am so sorry about me forgetting about you and then having you wait three whole weeks!

Skylar xx

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