Imagine For Breanna

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"Shush Michael!" You giggle quietly as you both sit in your bedroom, the clock reading well past midnight. "Ashton will hear you!" You then add to him, slightly fearing your older brothers fathering nature.

"We're fine." Michael laughs, too loud for your taste, whilst rubbing your back in a soothing manner.

"Yeah, sure, but when Ashton comes in here in pursuit for your blood you'll be thinking different..." You warn, your heart basically leaping from your chest as you hear floor boards creaking in Ashton's room. "Which I think he's doing now so, if you please, go put your ass in my closet!" You offer, well more so enforce, quickly helping Michael into your small walk-in closet before jumping on your bed just as Ashton's overly loud footsteps enter your room.

"Bre?" He asks, entering with no permission. "You okay?"

"Yeah, why?" You ask, the feeling of uneasiness filling your stomach as he enter the room fully.

"Nothing, it's just, uh, I though I heard a males voice coming from in here..." He mumbles, his eyes searching your room with cautious care before they meet yours and he gives a slight shrug. "Guess I was ju-"

"Achoo!" Michael sneezes, cutting him off and causing his head to snap towards the closet. "What was that?"

"Uh, the mice?" You offer as more of a suggestion, standing up quickly as Ashton gives you a knowing look.

"That is not a damn mouse Breanna." He growls, marching over to the door and opening it quickly to a mortified Michael. "What the actual fuck!?" He shouts, looking at you both with a look that could only mean death.

"Listen, Ash, I can explain!" You begin fearfully.

"Oh, you're going to explain alright." Ashton sneers, crossing his arms together. "You're going to explain exactly why one of my best mates is in your closets!"

" Well, you uh, see..." You stutter, looking up at him in complete fear before deciding on coming straight out with it. "Michael and I are dating."

"What!?" Ashton shout questions, his face now red with anger.

"I don't believe I stuttered." You say with now strong confidence, walking over to Michael gripping his hand. "But in case I did; let me repeat myself. Michael and I are dating. And no, I do not care what you say; we are. And you will and are going to accept it." You conclude, keeping direct eye contact with Ashton the whole time. Knowing fully well he'll eventually loosen up to the fact, it may not be now, but he will.

And after a couple of months he did.

It's like one in the morning and I felt really bad for not getting it up earlier so, I decided to quickly get this done before I went to bed!

Skylar xx

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