Imagine For Lily

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So, this is not by me. The lovely @MichelleGresser wrote this for me, because I'm really behind with these so she's going to be doing a few just to help out, but don't worry I'm doing others also!

  Luke and I have been best friends since we were four years old, he had moved right across the street from me. When we first met, my older brother had pushed me off the playground set and ran away. While I laid on the ground and cried, Luke had came over and hugged me whilst whispering, "You're too pretty to cry." Ever since; we've been inseparable.

It was during junior high when everything changed well, at least for me. Luke and I were walking home, as we usually were, when a car suddenly sped around the corner of the road we walked. And just like that; I' was on the ground. With my knees and elbows skinned up, small drops of blood forming around them. But I wasn't hit by the car,Luke had pushed me out of the way and took the impact receiving minor injuries.

After that, I saw everything differently. Usually when girls flirt with him, I would tease him and encourage him to go after them. But I started getting jealous and didn't realize how much I had fallen for him until he began dating someone else. I then slowly drifted apart from him, my bitter jealously making it hard for me to stand seeing them together. I always had thought; it should've been me. I knew that time apart would help the feelings go away. And I thought they were, until he showed up at my doorstep in tears.

"She used me," he chokes out in between sobs as  I say nothing, pulling him into the house and embracing for what seems like eternity. I would never have left his warming body if I had the choice, but of course He pulls away and forces an emotionless laugh. "I'm sorry. I look like a fool. I just had no one else to go to..." He trails off.

"Nonsense," I tell him, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hall and into the kitchen. There I open the freezer, grab a tub of ice cream and two spoons, and put it in front of him smiling. "You'll always have me."


  After two tubs, Luke and I moved to the living room to watch cartoons when he suddenly pauses the show we're watching and looks up at me., "Lily, do I even deserve someone?" He blurts out, eyes upsetting.

  My mouth gapes wide open. "Of course you do, Luke! You deserve someone who will love you for who you are and show you that every day."

  "Well, why can't that be you?" He asks, with his face turning serious.
  I could feel my face heating up and all I could do was stutter out, "I-I thought you wouldn't feel that way."

Luke sits up and cups my face with his hands. "Lily, how could I not? I've loved you since the first day I met you. And over the years, it kept getting stronger. I saved you from that car because I can't stand to see you hurt. You know practically everything, and I mean everything, about me and I need someone like that. Can we at least try this?" He begs as I  nod slowly, a long him to pull us into a long waited kiss.

Again, I did not write this credit to the girl I told you about above^

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