Chapter 1. The Grey Judge

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So before we start. Happy annaveriy to me. This is a very special post. You want to know why? It's my 1-year annaveryer of discovering the Rose Cronicials. Cool right? Now obviously I don't remember the exact day I started reading an internet fanfiction but this is close enough. It's actually pretty awesome that the book I'm most proud of so far is starting it's publishing the year after I found the amazing seriors all started by Allymp3. Hey Allymp3, You still wrote an incredible fanfiction. You rock! 

Enough sap, on with the chapter! ~W.R.

{Location: The Airjitzu temple}(Cole's POV)

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME." Kit screams as Kai and Sensei try to pull her off the door post she is clinging to. "I WON'T. I DON'T WANT TO BE A MASTER OF TIME."

Kai has his arms around her as Sensei now attempts pulling her fingers out of the door post, "But we" Kai gets kick in the face as Kit worms for freedom. "Harness the power in you."

Sensei gives up his attempt as Kit clings to the post. "The potential in you is great young one. But we the rather than later."

Kit digs her nails in deeper as the two try even harder to pull her off. "What's wrong with just seeing the future? Besides, I can fight on my own without elemental powers."

I snicker, "Familiar much?" I smile as Jay and Zane appears behind them.

Zane smiles at them, "Yup, it's like watching a mini, girl version of Kai back when Sensei first recruited him." He snickers a little as Kit keeps struggling.

I crack a bigger smile as Kit manages to loosen their grip and speeds into a room. "I was thinking more along the lines of Jay when he's played too many video games."

"I don't get it." Jay shakes his head at the comment, "Why wouldn't she want to become a Master of time? After we found out about our own elemental powers, you couldn't stop us from getting them."

"The only other people that wielded time as a weapon were trying to kill us with reforming snakes. Mabey Kit is fearful that she might become her father or uncle." I remember when I was younger and my dad wanted me to be a performer. And how I did everything in my power to get out of the life. I bite my lips as my thoughts lead to somewhere. Maybe if Mom was around, she would have helped me or gotten Dad to stop trying so hard.

"We can try again later." Sensei sighs, "Where are everyone else?"

"Skylor, Pixel, Nya and Seliel are entertaining Lloyd and Willow, And I think Morro and Katara are on a date." I wiggle my eyebrows at the last part.

Jay dose a little yip, "And we're finished with training. Video game tournament anybody?" Jay grins as I think about my plan. It took nearly three weeks in the making and would cost me a little, but it was worth it.

"Sorry, I'm meeting my dad in a bit." I force down my nervousness in my voice, Willow says that was my tell for lying and for what I was going to do, I can't have any interferons from my brothers. "You boys go on ahead."

"Tell him we say hi." Zane waves and gives Kai a handful of ice for his face as those three head to the game room and Sensei leaves to meditate. I pull out my phone as Seliel's heart beats slowly against my back. 'Hey, need 2 meet w/ you. Can u meet me on the hospital roof?' I type into my phone as my text message goes into cyberspace. I place Seliel's heart into a more secure place under my Gi as I flip onto my dragon and fly off the edge and through a cloud.

I feel little hands cling to my belt, "Where are we heading?" Kit startles me as my dragon almost zaps out of existence.

"AH!" I feel my own heart race, "What are you doing here?"
Kit shrugs and holds onto me tighter as we circle the hospital roof. "Right now the last place I want to be with people who want me to be something I'm not."

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