Chapter 16. Whatever happened in the Saraceni hotel?

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{Location: Los Teros in Ninjago} [Time: 31 years before the present day](Lou's POV)

"THAT was Brilliant," I scream hoarsely as me and my bandmates enter backstage.

Peter nods as I am still jumping up and down from the rush, "Man, I thought you'd never hit that high note.."

Matt finishes as our security comes for us, "But you crushed it." Matt plays with an early growing mustache as Luke looks ready to explode from pure joy.

"Great job boys." Our manager, I think it's our new one. We've had to fire and rehire so many, walks up to us, he wears a golden suit and tie and has beach boy hair as he holds up a clipboard with scribbles written on it, "We just finished counting, you all just performed in front of a million people."

"Really?!" I run my hands through my hair as my voice cracks from the hard work it did, "That's truly groovy."

I grin ear to ear as stage hands come and begin to clean up.

"We need to celebrate." Peter gets a look in his eye, the same one that got us on tour in the first place, "We need to party."

"We're in Los Teros man." Luke smiles brightly as our security looks nervous, "It's one BIG party."

"Dudes," Matt holds up four identical costumes that have a flare much like a cape but stops short mid-back, "I heard of this awesome party just outside the city."

"You boys worked hard." Our manager smiles and nods to the security, "I'll rearrange your schedule while you enjoy yourselves."

"Thanks." I wave as we almost run over our security guards. They are so boring as they escort us to the limousine. "So where is this party?"

"Take us to twelfth street and magic way." Peter hands a paper to the driver as he takes back roads to our destination.

The four of us put up the shaded windows as we change. Now looking closely, my costume has a little more brown and black than the others. As we put on our outfits, we still gabber about the perfect concert we just held.

"Here ya go." Our driver turns to us, he has small signs of greying hair as his purple uniform is obviously too tight on him. "Should I wait for you boys or take her back?"

The four of us get out of the limo and eye the party place. The hotel and casino Saraceni is hopping with young people also in costumes, "Take her back." We say in perfect harmony and go inside.

Inside is an absolute rave. All kinds of strobe lights are bouncing around, loud music plays as pretty girls in costumes catch my eye. One has purple hair, another has a very furry costume, one even looks like a legendary ninja dressed in black.

"This is awesome," Peter screams as some of our music actually plays. "They even have punch."

We overly enjoy ourselves and make small talk that leaves people wide-eyed as they figure out who we were by the end of the conversation. I smile as men and women alike quietly ask for my autograph. The music gets a little quieter as men and women pair off and place socks on hotel door handles.

"Man," Matt elbows me as I down my drink. Geez, this fruit punch is amazing. "Check it." He points to a woman ruffly about my age as she flashes a smile at me. "She's totally checking you out."

"Or maybe it's the marker on you," I tease and point to the dozens of phone numbers on his head, forearms, and chest. "Maybe she's looking for a spot."

"Look out." Luke smiles as the atmosphere turns a tad sleepy, "She's coming."

"Hi." The woman has an incredible costume on. Her dragonfly wings are black on her left wing and white on the right, her brown hair is pulled back into a bun to show off her elf ear look-alikes. She even reminds me of a fairy the way her dress is light and airy with black and white paint splatters to it. "I hear you're Lou."

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