Chapter 5. A past worth forgetting

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{Location: Cloud kingdom}(Willow's POV)

"Why hello, we've been expecting you." A monk with a sour face greets us as the portal disappears behind us. "Unfortunate as that may be."

I am half tempted to draw my sword on this guy just my looking at his arrogant face, it's curled just like- no. He's realms away, "You're right, I don't like him."

"Please, the White Rose wouldn't kill a master writer." The monk smirks.

Morro glares as he folds his arms. "Fenwick."

"Hello, Master of wind. Are you enjoying the small changes with your physical appearance?"

"Wait, it was your idea to do this to me?" Morro's wolf ears bend back and the hair on his tail sticks up.

"Call it a little revenge for your last visit here." Fenwick notices Kit as she has a death look aiming at him. "Katherine," Fenwick says her name with so much hate.

Kit's fingers itch to her sword as Lloyd stops her hand. "Fenwick, I'd been meaning to meet the man who put my mother to death."

Kai carries Kit's anger as small flames licks the cloud below us. "You did what?"

Fenwick looks ready to blow his top while talking about Destiny. "It was a deserving punishment as she chose people for prophecies that we meant for the council to do so."

"Speaking of mothers," Katara doesn't look done with this conversation as she switches topics, "Ours seems to be very dangerous."

"Ah yes, Zara. Luckily for you six, I've been ordered by the council to show you her past instead of kicking you out." Fenwick walks to a boat and readies the oar. "Are you coming?"

Lloyd steps on first as I force my fingers to travel away from my sword. "We are."

Kai, Morro, and Kit stand near the front of the boat while I stay near the back with Lloyd and Katara.

"Now," I glare slightly, "What happened to Zara?"

Fenwick unties the rope and we float among the clouds, "It all started almost many years ago," Fenwick wiggles the oar as the tan clouds cover us and begins showing a young woman who looks a lot like myself and Katara. "Zara had graduated from Law school and was hand selected to be a separator. A type of judge that holds very strong magic, this magic can separate a person's darkness from the light. A separator also has the authority to deem if the person should be judged on their level of balance opposed to their crime."

A scene of Zara separating people, then killing some with a sword, happens on the clouds.

"One day, Zara was tasked with judging a man who supposedly commented murder in the first degree." Fenwick stops swaying the ora as a young man with yellow Fay wings and a tear stained face kneels at Zara's feet. "She had recently given birth to her twins and had much mother's sympathy in her. But that can not explain what she did next."

The picture moves to show a separation, but the 'darkness' in the boy is tiny as Zara steps back. "Oh, my." She sounds at a lost as the boy pleads for mercy. "And you do not deserve to die." Zara rests her hands on his shoulders. "Go back to the main room, tell them I find you innocent." The boy thanked her and walked out. "It is your fault for corrupting him." Zara glares at the small batch of darkness, then slices it with a knife. It spouts blood as a loud thump sounds through the wall. Zara runs to the door to see the young man she just freed, is now dead on the floor.

Another judge slams a gravel as guards take the corpse away. "Guilty then."

Fenwick sighs, "Zara began to fill with regret. Over the next years, guilt ate away at her as she searched for magic to properly kill darkness without killing the light." Pictures of Zara rocking small children while simultaneously murdering Phouka flash by. "She tried on many Fay, Phouka even werewolves alike. Sadly, the more she failed, the more she wanted to try." Fenwick notes as the picture shows her late at night, she sits on a tan couch in the middle of a room as the floor has two corpses and blood. She bottle feeds a small baby with blue and white dragonfly wings. There's another baby that cries as the room is pulsing in waves of in black and white magic. "Then, her husband made a deal, he would gain a small amount a territory with servants if he turned in Zara. The council agreed. She was tried by her very classmates that grew up with her. She was found guilty. Unfortunately, all of Zara's searching had led her to a sole conclusion, that darkness must die." Images of Zara breaking out of her chains and killing all the other judges in cold blood sends shivers down my spine. "She went on a rampage, desperate for a way to kill evil without destroying good, people began to call her the grey judge, for she had only the capacity for the grey morals."

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