Chapter 30. The wedding

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{Location: The town of Silver Beach}(Lloyd's POV)

I smile at my reflection in the three-way mirror. Maybe since I just turned sixteen I like the style more but it still itches like crazy, "Well, would you look at that. I look good both as a ninja and a best man." I look around as my brothers are mostly dressed. The boy's room is nice, big as Ultra Dragon and floor to ceiling windows which have a tiny balcony beyond them. Unlike normal, everyone but Jay wears identical tuxedos. The only reason as Jay is different, is that he keeps changing something.

Jay fix his light blue tie then fluffs his hair then fixes his tie again, "What was I thinking? I'm not ready to be married. How'd this day come so fast?" Jay reaches for a bottle of hair gel when little breezes push it away.

Morro has a tiny grin on as Kai snickers. "Fast? You waited nearly three months for this day."

Zane smiles as he opens a window, it's stuffy in here, "I am sure that Nya is just as anxious. There is no need to worry."

Jay apparently can turn off his ears as he lets little sparkles bounce around and breathes faster, I know this, he's about to rant, "What if the photographer has a bad camera and our pictures come out wrong? What if the food goes bad? What if I forget my vows? WHAT IF I CAN'T MOVE DOWN THE AISLE?!"

I see a tiny smirk glued on Cole's face, Jay really needs to calm down, might as well help him with that. "Jay, name the most absolute worse thing that could happen right now."

Jay takes a second to both calm his nerves and does as I say. While he's distracted, Cole wiggles two bolts off of Zane. Jay frowns and he's sweating, "I guess losing the rings would be the worst. Why are you asking?"

Cole quickly shows off the bolts but only a flash so they look like the rings, "Don't worry, I got them and my grip strength is legendary. They won't leave my-" Cole stretches and throws the bolts out the window. They hit the water with a plunk. "Oh-oh." Cole barely holds down snickers as Jay's eyes grow.

"NO!" Jay runs to the edge and looks at them. "Oh no! Nya's gonna kill me!"

We all bust up laughing, Jay turns as I hold myself. His face is priceless.

"What's so funny?" Jay folds his arms and his nerves disappear.

Kai bites his lips to try and stop laughing, "We're just trying to get you to relax."

Zane nods as Cole opens his other hand, "The real rings are still here. Cole threw off some extra bolts on me."

Jay takes a deep breath, completely calm, "Oh." He rubs the back of his head, "I guess I was kinda losing it."

I point to the countertop, which has tiny black streaks on its smooth surface, "Kinda? I think you beat Cole's dad before he went on stage."

Morro nods, he's neck and neck with Kai in how good he looks in a tux, "What was it you said, Full out freak out?"

"But this time it's the Jay edition."

I hear a tiny knock at the door.

Kai grabs a brush and tries to put down the cowlick on the back side of Jay's head, "It's open."

Then the door creaks open, Kit pokes her head, her blonde hair has some curling irons in it and she kinda looks like a satellite with them, "Before I forget, stop half way up the aisle. Then take a step back."

That doesn't make much sense. I frown a little but it turns back into a smile as her's beams brightly, "Why?"

Her baby blue eyes flash white as she closes our door, "Just trust me."

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