Chapter 2. Deal making

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{Location: Kryptarion Pristion} (Cole's POV)

Here we go. Where's Ronin? I land my dragon in front of the gate as Seliel wiggles a bit in my arms. I let Kit jump off first then follow her as my dragon disappears. Kit pulls out her sword and looks into it.

I smirks as Ronin touchdowns not too far from us but behind a rock so the cops can't see him or the coming transaction. "Any sign of trouble?"

"Nothing yet." Kit frowns and puts the sword away. "I don't like it."

Ronin walks over with a small brown bag in his hand, "Here ya go." Ronin holds it like it is nuclear waste. Then rubs his fingers for his pay. "I didn't know you bring along a brat."

Kit frowns at the brat bit. "Nice to see you too."

I adjust Seliel in my arms, "Kit, how about you go tell the Warden that I'm here for my viste and to set up." I am half tempted to strangle Ronin for the brat comment. But I have a plan to fulfill, I focus on that as I adjust Seliel in my arms.

"Ok. I got my eye on you." Kit glares at Ronin as I pull out my wallet and a few hundred dollars.

Ronin waits until she's talking to a security camera, "I'm still not sure you really want this." Ronin sets the bag down as I hand him the money. "It's not easy to get. And-"
"I know. Be careful," I kneel down and grab the bag with my hand then get up as the heavy gate opens for me, "Dark matter isn't good stuff."
"What would a ninja even need with that blasted stuff?" Ronin cocks an eyebrow.

"Sorry," I smirk as my plan fell into place, "I didn't pay you to ask questions."

"Good point." Ronin sighs and leaves for his airship. "Best of luck with whatever you're planning." Ronin runs off as the Warden calls over to me. He escorts me and Kit through the first gate.

He pauses occasionally to disable traps, "I'm sorry, we still have a no weapons policy. They'll be safe here." The Warden points to a small coat hanger.

I walk over to it and set Seliel against the wall, "If I see a youtube video later about someone swinging this.." I let the intimidation speak for itself as I take my sythe off and hang it up.

Kit looks at her sword. "Can't you make an exception?" She always seems to have it close by now that I think about it.

The Warden shrugs and disables more traps. "I'm sorry."

Kit mutters something and sets the sword in the coat hanger. Small memories tickle my mind as I carry Seliel through the rowdy place.

"Stay close." I tell Kit as some skeletons throw empty teacups at us. "Did you get everything ready that I asked for?"

The Warden opens one more door that leads to the center of the prison, "Mostly, however, the prisoner isn't in her healthiest state. Our doctors tried everything." The Warden lead us to the middle of the circle room and opens a door that lead to an elevator. He steps in with us and puts a key in the button slot.

Kit goes in next as I shuffle in sideway, "Her?" Kit questions as the doors close.

"Yes. Don't worry, she can't hurt you." The Warden didn't sound convinced as we go to sub-basement 12. The doors open and he walks down a hallway. There is only another cell in another hallway, two prisoners I can't see are playing with a ball. "Would you like the minor to stay outside?"

"Yes." I look for a door kobe on the smooth black marble.

The Warden puts his hand on Kit shoulder as my fingers feel their place. "The walls inside are actually a two-way mirror, so we'll know if trouble starts."

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