Chapter 4. Equal and opposite forces

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Hey everyone. I think that wattpad ate this chapter for some reason. So in case, this got totally deleted here last Friday's chapter again. ~W. R.

{Location: Four weapons Blacksmith shop}(Zane's POV)

"Zara," Jay flips off his dragon and immediately went into spinjitzu then stops as we all land in a fighting stances, "Get ready to chop shokie."

Ray puts down a hammer as no danger is immediate. "Who's Zara?"

Seliel snickers from under her helmet. "We got here too soon."

"That does mean we get a change to make preparations." Pixel counters while putting her fists down.

"My kids." Maya squeezes through the crowd and hugs Kai and Nya. "Now, what are brave ninja doing here instead of saving the world?"

I pat my side and realize my weapons are missing. "Currently our objective is to stop a woman known as Zara from getting to this shop."

Cole lifts a rock and looks under it. "She's got a black and white pattern, a grey necklace and wings." Cole shrugs then sets the rock down.

Lloyd smirks as I scan the surrounding area for danger. "Don't forget the wolves that follow her."

Ray blinks and looks at us like we've grown a third eye. "Run that by me one more time."

"It's a story." Kai takes his hood off and slips his hand into Skylor's, "But first. Mom, Dad, this is Skylor, my girlfriend."

Skylor blushes at the title.

Maya smiles and lets go of Nya. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lloyd looks at Pixel and I. "Anything on your scanners?"

I shake my head. "Nothing, but we should search the surrounding area."

Cole fingers for his scythe, which in the rush was left back at the temple. "Ok, We'll go have a look around, while Kai, Nya, Jay and Skylor stay here and keep an eye on things."

"I guess it is a good thing we are at a blacksmith shop." I point to the rack of weapons, "May we use these?"

Ray smiles as Maya puts out a fire. "That what weapons are meant for."

Lloyd picks out a pole with small spikes at different angles as I chose silver shurikens with bronze lacing. "Thanks."

Jay waves as our half of the team walks into town. "Happy hunting."

Lloyd grimaces as some fan screaming alerts me. "Can you and Zane investigate the town while we check out the outskirts?"

Pixel nods. "Yes."

Yes, some alone time with Pixel. I have to reroute power from my element to help stable my synthetic hormones.

Cole smirks before disappearing into the reeds with Lloyd and Seliel. "And watch out for fans."

Pixel stands still as more fans notice us. "Calculating the best and most efficient search route."

"I do not think we have time for numbers." I grab her hand and pull her into town, then point to a pipe that leads to the roof, after she climbs up I follow. "This is a perfect view."

"Except we can not see the alleys, inside the residents' homes, and this roof is faulty." Pixel seems to smile under her helmet.

"I meant from the fans..did you say this-" Crack, The roof falls apart below me as I try to land on my feet but ended up on my back. "Was faulty."

Pixel giggles then crawls on top of me to scan for possible injuries that may have happened from the fall. Only, she is straddling me instead of sitting off to the side.

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