Chapter 12. Visitation rights

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{Location: Cyptaryum Prison} (Cole's POV)

Kit sits in the booth with Seliel as other prisoners talk with their friends and family. "Where is he?" Kit tap her foot as I look at the time. We've been waiting ten minutes and there is no sign of Krux or Acroinxs. I feel a little coulrophobic in my super tight black shirt and jeans. But apparently, Lloyd still can't do laundry to save his life.

Seliel twists her fingers into her hair as the prisoner's entrance finally opens. "Maybe he's just nervous." Krux is handcuffed behind his back and wears an orange jumpsuit. His brother is not too far behind him and dressed in a similar fashion. The two of them try to sit down in the same seat as I bite my lip to keep my mouth shut. Kit keeps frowning as the two have a quick argument about who would sit in the chair. Krux wins as Axconirs pulls up another chair. Krux tries to say something through the soundproof glass.

Kit hits her forehead, "How am I related to this guy?" She sighs as she picks up the phone. "You talk through the phone." She points to the phone on his side as he gets a clue.

"I'm guessing that you didn't hear a word I said?" Krux growls, "I hate using technology."

Axcronis yanks the phone cord to talk, "Well I like it." He then crosses his arms.

"How?" Krux rolls his eyes and holds up a broken Borge watch. "Every program on this device is ill-conceived and useless."

Kit looks a little lower as two extra guards came in, "I actually help design a majority of the programs."

"Oh.." Krux now fumbles for a recovery from his insult. "Did I say ill-conceived? I meant um.. Well conceived."

Seliel raises an eyebrow as I keep my stone look. "Sure."

"I thought you could only bring your sisters." Ancroinx grabs the phone, "These clearly are not them."

I bend over and ask Kit for the phone, "I'm her ride. And her sisters are a little occupied with trying to save all of Ninjago."

Krux shakes his head, "But that does not provide a solid reason for you being here." He glares at Seliel, "Or you."

Kit fingers the phone back down to her, "Seliel is a sister in arms. You never said anything about being related or not." Kit sticks her tongue out.

"I suppose that since this is our first visit exceptions can be made." Krux shakes his head as Seliel smirks a bit. "But he is not a.."

"I'll just go stand guard." I back away slowly, Kit would be safe with Seliel. "I'd hate it if I had to look at you any longer."

Krux and Ancroinx's faces start getting red as the guard opens the door for me. I lean up against the wall as other guards move prisoners to other meeting rooms.

"I don't even get a private cell?" I recognize Victor Crown's arrogant voice by the security gate as my mood shifts from chill to jealousy in two seconds. "Man and I thought all the cool gang members got one."

The Warden pushes him closer as he has papers in his hand. "Pipe down tiger."

"Victor Crown," My emotions settle down as they walk to me. "I thought I'd find you on an island all by your lonesome."

"YOU!" Victor looks ready to strangle me if he could reach me. His face flushes with red as the Warden holds his cuffs a little tighter. "You took Seliel from me."

"How many times do we have to go through this?" I shake my head at his idiocy, "Seliel isn't property. You lost her fair and square. I'm in a relationship fair and square."

"Can you hold on to him for a sec," The Warden, not getting our rivalry, hands me a long chain. I think of a toddler on one of those pet like leashes. "His entrance papers weren't sorted right."

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