Rescue Me - Scotty (Part 1)

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warning: Mentions abuse. Do not read if this bothers you.


You groaned as you heard the familiar voice calling your name. At present, you were jammed into an extremely tight and uncomfortable position trying to fix some wiring that had randomly decided to quit working. Yes, you should have been off shift an hour ago but that didn't mean your boyfriend had to come looking for you. You weren't twelve years old.

He yelled your name again and you rolled your eyes but otherwise ignored him. You had a job to do.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant Klein, Lieutenant (y/l/n) is working at the moment. Is there something I can help ye with?" You'd never been happier to hear your boss Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott's thick Scottish accent.

"She was supposed to be off an hour ago, Scotty," Daniel snapped.

"That's Chief Engineer Scott to you, lad." You could almost picture the anger on Scotty's face. "The lass will be along when she's finished. Now kindly leave my engine room before I have ye escorted out."

You continued to work on the wiring problem as you heard your boss muttering to himself. "Stupid kid. He doesn't treat her right. What does she see in him anyway?"

Your lips twitched as you tried not to smile and you poked your head out of your hole. "I can hear you, you know."

Scotty's cheeks flushed red and he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "I'm sorry, lassie. I just worry about ye is all."

"It's fine, Scotty." You started to wiggle your way out of the tight space. He rushed forward and grasped your wrists in his hands to help you out. "It should be fixed. Give it a shot."

He pressed a few buttons on a nearby control panel then turned back to you with a smile. "I knew if anyone could do it, it would be you, lassie."

You arched a brow. "Pretty sure you could have fixed it, too."

He scoffed. "I wasn't squeezing in there."

After narrowing your eyes at him and earning a chuckle in response, you held out your hand. "Come on, boss man. Even you have to eat, and I'm starving."


You had lingered over your meal, enjoying Scotty's company. Eventually, you'd made your excuses and headed for the quarters you shared with Daniel. If you were honest, this was the only reason you hadn't broken up with him. You were dating before the mission and had been given joint quarters. There were no empty rooms for you to move to if you left him. Served you right for letting him talk you into it in the first place. Dating someone was entirely different than living with them.

The door to your quarters opened and you stepped inside. "Daniel?" you called but got no response. You breathed out a sigh of relief and rubbed a hand across your forehead. He worked in security so he'd probably been called in for something. You really needed to talk to Jim about different quarters. Maybe you could bunk with one of the other engineers. Sleeping on the couch never bothered you.

"I see you found your way home finally."

The voice made you jump and you turned to see Daniel leaning against the doorway of your bedroom. You pressed your hand against your chest and willed your heartbeat to slow down. "You scared me. Why didn't you answer when I called?"

He shrugged one shoulder and moved toward you. "Why didn't you come home when your shift ended?"

You rolled your eyes and tried to step past him but he grabbed your upper arm. When you tried to remove yourself from his grip, it tightened. "That hurts, Daniel. Let go."

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