Hobgoblins and Hospitality - Bones

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It was your first day on the Enterprise. You were part of a crew brought on to replace others that were either rotating out or had lost their lives in the ship's last battle. The five of you presented yourselves to the first officer and you bit back a smile at seeing your cousin again. 

Spock's mother and your mother were sisters who, surprisingly enough, had both married Vulcans. Your lives couldn't have been more different. Spock was raised on Vulcan and held all the normal characteristics of the race. You had been raised on Earth, and while your eyebrows had a bit of an unusual tilt to them and your ears were perhaps more pointed than usual, you easily passed for human. 

You might not have grown up together but the two of you were great friends, taking the opportunity to exchange letters when you weren't in close proximity to each other. After talking to all of the new crew members and instructing them to report to their respective commanders, Spock came to stand in front of you. 

"Y/N, it is good to see you," he said, looking down at you with a blank expression.

You grinned. "It is good to see you, Spock. Mother sends her best wishes."

He began to walk down the hall and you turned to fall into step with him. As a science officer, he was your commanding officer so you had no one else to report to. "And how is your mother? I assume she recovered from her illness."

"Yes, she's all better." You wrapped a hand around his arm and squeezed in a comforting gesture. "I am sorry again about Amanda. I loved your mother very much." While you had conveyed your condolences to both him and Sarek at the time, you hadn't seen either of them in person since your aunt passed.

"Your sympathy is appreciated," he responded with a nod of his head. He gestured to a doorway to the left. "This is the lab where you will be currently assigned. I have an interesting project for you."


(Three months later)

You sat with Spock and the rest of the bridge crew during dinner as was your habit. At first, it had been a little awkward at least on your end but you'd quickly warmed up to all of them and they to you. Except Dr. Leonard McCoy. 

It wasn't that you didn't like the doctor. He was unquestionably attractive and beyond friendly with you, but you couldn't stand the way he was with Spock. Which was unfortunate, because under other circumstances you could see yourself falling for the grumpy ass. So to protect your heart, you went out of your way to maintain a professional relationship with the man they called Bones. 

"Are you excited for the mission tomorrow, Y/N?" Uhura asked and you smiled at her. Tomorrow was your first mission with an away team and you couldn't wait.

"What do you think?" you replied which made her laugh at your excitement. 

"Listen you pointy-eared bastard," Bones said and you jerked your gaze to the end of the table where the doctor, your cousin and the captain were engaged in a heated discussion. Bones was pointing his fork at Spock who simply looked back with an arched brow. 

Your smile grew tight as you struggled not to show your irritation. Spock was more than capable of defending himself if need be. It wasn't your place to intervene. 

"Y/N?" Uhura saying your name brought your attention back to her. She darted her eyes between you and the end of the table and frowned in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Nothing. Now what were you saying?"


The next day found you on a planet with Bones and two security officers. You were collecting samples of plant life to take back to the Enterprise for cataloging and experimentation.  You were scraping some purple moss off a large rock when you heard laughter. Ceasing your actions, you turned, searching for the sound. 

"What's wrong, Y/L/N?" Bones asked and you held up a hand to quiet him. The laughter came again.

"You hear that?"

"I sure do," he muttered in a low voice. He started toward the sound, being sure to move slow and keep himself close to the rocks for coverage. You followed closely behind him, almost running into him when he came to a stop. "Damn hobgoblin told me there was less than a .1% chance we'd run into any natives in this area."

You stiffened and clenched your jaw. 

"We should go," he said finally and turned around so you could meet back up with the security officers.

Once you were back on the ship, you made to hurry back to the lab to write up your report. "Hold up, Y/N," Bones said and you stopped at the doorway. 

You plastered on the best fake smile you could muster and turned to face him. "Doctor?"

"Listen," he started and rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. "I was wondering if maybe you would join me for dinner."

"I usually do," you said, deliberately misunderstanding and turned to walk away. 

He grasped your arm lightly and turned you back to face him. "No, I meant just you and me, like a d-date."

You ran your eyes over him and shoved down that little part of you that was screaming in joy. "Considering the way you feel about me, I don't think that's a good idea, Leonard."

He scowled. "You shouldn't go out with me because I like you?"

"Dr. McCoy, Commander Spock is my cousin. Like him, I am the product of a human mother and Vulcan father. So, I too am a green blooded hobgoblin though my ears aren't quite as pointed and neither of us are bastards. Don't let that stop you from using your usual colorful descriptors however. Good day, Doctor." With that you turned and went to your quarters, leaving a flabbergasted Bones behind.


That evening you chose to eat in your quarters. You'd just finished when there was knock on the door. You slid it open to find Spock. You smiled and gestured for him to come in. 

He stood with his arms behind his back and watched as you cleaned up from your meal. "What can I do for you, Spock?" you asked when he remained silent.

"Dr. McCoy just apologized to me."

"Is that so?" you asked without looking at him. "For what?"

"He claims it was brought to his attention that I might have been offended by some of his more colorful names for me." He paused but you didn't say anything. Finally Spock spoke again, "I assured him that would be illogical on my part."

You spun to face him. "Why would it be illogical to be offended, Spock? He's so rude to you."

"Dr. McCoy often calls those he considers his friend by names others would consider an insult. I have simply learned it is his way. He means nothing by it."

"That doesn't make it right," you grumbled and crossed your arms over your chest.

He tilted his head slightly as he studied you. "I also believe it would be illogical for you to dismiss Dr. McCoy's feelings for you because of this. He is, at heart, a good man."

You felt your cheeks heat as another knock came at your door. You gave Spock a smile and moved past him to open the door. An anxious looking Bones stood on the other side. His eyes moved past you to land on Spock. "I didn't know you had company. I can come another time."

"On the contrary doctor, I was just leaving," Spock said and left with a nod to you both.

"What can I do for you, Doctor?" 

"Could we start over you and I?"

You hesitated before answering long enough that Bones started to leave. "I'd like that," you finally said, taking pity on him. 

He smiled. "In that case, Y/N Y/L/N, would you allow me to show you some genuine Southern hospitality tomorrow evening?"

Your smile mirrored his. "That sounds like a grand idea, Leonard."

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