Torpedo 22 - Khan Singh

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Kahn had been operating on pure rage for far longer than was healthy. So many had fallen in his wrath, but it wasn't enough. Not yet. It would never be enough until he had you back. And now this Starfleet Captain and his officers acted as though they'd won something. As if he hadn't chosen to come along. Anything to be closer to you, though he feared you had not survived Marcus.

It hadn't taken him long to figure out Marcus's plan. All the clues were there if one knew the truth. If one knew the sinister lengths to which the man would go. Kahn paced his cell with slow deliberate steps as he considered how to bring you up to the captain. How he could plead for them to determine if you lived. He would do much to ensure you lived even if his own life was lost in the process. 

"Why is there a man in that torpedo?" Captain Kirk asked as he walked up to the cell.

Kahn jerked his head in that direction. "There are men and women in all of those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there."

"Who the hell are you?" 

"You think me arrogant when I say we are superior but that is what we are. What we were designed to be. Genetically engineered to bring peace to a planet at war. When they disapproved of our methods, they exiled us. For centuries we slept, hoping when we woke things would be different. That we could find a home. Instead, Starfleet discovered us and I alone was revived." Kahn resumed pacing.

"I looked up John Harrison. Until a year ago he didn't exist," the captain said. 

"John Harrison is a lie. A fabrication created by your Admiral Marcus when he woke me to advance his cause. My name is Kahn."

Kirk looked at him, gauging his honesty. "Why would a Starfleet admiral require help from a three hundred year old frozen man?"

"Because I am better."

"At what?"

"Everything. Alexander Marcus needed to respond to an uncivilized threat in a civilized time. For that he needed a warrior's mind. My mind. To design weapons and warships." Kahn spat the words angry and disgusted at what he had done. What he had been forced to do.

"You are suggesting the admiral violated every regulation he vowed to uphold simply because he wanted to exploit your intellect," the Vulcan said, obviously not willing to believe the deceitfulness of his admiral.

The corner of Kahn's mouth curved into a smirk. "He wanted to exploit my savagery. Intellect alone will not win a fight." He wanted to insult the man before him. Tell him how weak he was, but thoughts of you stayed his tongue. You never approved of him using his sharp wit on those that were undeserving. 

He turned his attention back to Kirk. "Marcus used me to design weapons. To help him realize his dream of a militarized Starfleet. He used you to get rid of the evidence. You were supposed to fire those torpedoes on an unsuspecting planet, ridding himself of me and my people." He sucked in a breath at the reminder of the man's cruelty. "And then he disabled your ship, knowing the Klingons would come looking for the culprit and you would be doomed. No longer his problem and he would have the war he wanted."

"No," Kirk suddenly yelled. "I saw you open fire into a room of unarmed Starfleet officers. You killed them in cold blood."

Kahn clenched his teeth and turned his back on the other two men. He knew he had acted rashly but he had seen no other solution at the time. "Marcus took my crew from me."

"You are a murderer," Kirk bit out.

"He used my friends to get me to do what he wished. To control me. Anytime I attempted to stand against him, he threatened her. He nearly killed her more than once." His heart clenched with the memory. 

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