Fallin' - Jim Kirk

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Jim Kirk fell in love on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, he fell out of love just as frequently.

A pretty face, a coy small, or a smart mouth were all enough to turn his head. Enough to hold his interest for a night. A week. Or maybe a month. Any longer than that and they became just another name. Another part of his past.

It wasn't that Jim didn't want a forever kind of love, he just hadn't found a forever kind of girl.

And then he met you. The moment he saw you, he knew it you were it for him. Bones didn't believe him until six months had passed and Jim still hadn't moved onto anyone else. You, however, weren't buying his interest for a minute.

You were well aware of the Captain's reputation. And as pretty as his baby blues were, you weren't about to become another one of those names that faded into his past. You deserved more than that. And frankly, so did he. It seemed the more you denied his advances the more interested he became.

"Come on, darlin', just give him a chance," your best friend Leonard McCoy pleaded over dinner one evening.

You rolled your eyes and huffed out a breath. "You're the one that told me to stay the hell away from him when he asked me out the first time. Not that I needed you to tell me that. You are the one that told me of all of his exploits after all."

Len grimaced. "Don't remind me. And for god's sake don't tell him. I'll never hear the end of it." He ran a hand through his hair. "Listen, Jim has never been the kind to commit, but it's different with you. He hasn't even looked at anyone else since the first time he asked you out."

You arched a brow. That had been months ago now.

"Okay. Maybe he's looked. He's still Jim Kirk, but he hasn't done anything about it. One date. That's all I'm asking. You'll never hear about it again." The look on Len's face was practically begging you to say yes.

You sighed. "One date. After that, he never brings it up again."


You met Kirk for drinks after your shift the next night. After greetings were exchanged, Kirk was uncharacteristically quiet. Finally, he said, "Can I ask why it took you so long to say yes?"

You considered your words, thought about how to frame it. "Because I don't do casual relationships and you are the very definition of a casual relationship."

He chuckled. "I suppose that's fair given what I'm sure you've heard about me. Would it sound too cliché for me to say it's different with you?"

"Ordinarily I'd say yes, but Len said pretty much the same thing. So, let me ask you, why is it different?" Part of you feared the answer. Feared that once he looked at it too closely he'd realize you weren't all that different after all. Because, if you were truthful, you'd have to admit to having more than friendly feelings toward your captain since Len introduced you. Damned if you'd let him know though. His ego didn't need any help.

"I have always been in love with the idea of love, as stupid as it sounds. There's that initial thrill that comes with starting a new relationship and I love that feeling. But once it becomes work, I'm done." He shrugged his shoulders and signaled to the bartender for a refill. "I know that makes me sound like an ass, but there it is. But with you? Well, you're something else entirely."

Your eyes followed his movements as he took a sip of his drink. When he sat the glass down, he grinned at you. "You, sweetheart have been nothing but work and I've loved every bit of it. Every time I'm around you, something makes me feel insane. But it doesn't scare me at all. I just know that if we jump into this that we'll keep falling. Together." His grin widened and he turned on his stool to face you. He put his hand on the back of your seat to block you in. "And doesn't that sound fantastic?"

Your lips twitched and you soon found yourself smiling as well. "Yeah, it kind of does." You had no idea where this thing with Kirk would lead but it was going to be a hell of a ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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