Happy Birthday - Spock

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A/N: This is super long. I'm not even going to apologize because I write what the story needs so consider it a warning. If you want a short imagine you better go elsewhere. If you like them long, you're in the right place. :)

This one was requested by mateapejic. Hope you like it!


You had a unique role on the Enterprise. You had been trained in multiple areas so you could fill in as needed around the ship. As such, you had a much larger base of friends than most onboard as you'd worked with almost everyone. So you weren't that surprised when you stepped onto the lift to be greeted by a smiling Captain Kirk and Commander Spock.

"Y/N, nice to see you. Where do we have you working this week?"

"Engineering, Captain." Captain Kirk was an attractive man, but he wasn't the one that captured your attention. No, you'd been crushing on a certain Vulcan science officer since the academy. "Commander Spock, happy birthday."

He gave you a tight nod and an emotionless "Lieutenant," without meeting your eyes. 

"How many times have I told you to call me Jim, y/n?" the captain asked with a flirty grin.

"Captain, I believe Lieutenant y/l/n would be uncomfortable with that familiarity," Spock spoke before you could say anything. 

You glanced at him in surprise and your cheeks heated. 

"Since when do you know so much about y/n, Spock?" Kirk asked with amusement in his voice. 

The Vulcan cleared his throat and if you weren't mistaken there was a green tinge to the tips of his ears. "I have merely taken the opportunity to observe the lieutenant when we worked together and have found her to be observant of protocol without being overly severe."

Kirk hummed and looked between the two of you as the lift stopped. You stepped out with a nod and turned left. "Woah," Kirk said, stopping you. "Aren't you coming to the party, y/n?"

You took a breath before turning around. Kirk waited for an answer with lifted brows while Spock stood with his hands behind his back looking as cool and collected as always. You mirrored his position to keep yourself from fidgeting with your hands. "Please don't take offense Captain when I say that it seems rather illogical to have a party for someone who most  likely does not celebrate their birthday. I thought perhaps Commander Spock would be more comfortable with less people there."

Kirk looked between both of you again and grinned. You weren't sure what that look meant but you were quite certain you didn't trust it. Your captain was definitely up to something.

"I appreciate your consideration, Lieutenant y/l/n, but I assure you that your presence would not be disruptive in the least," Spock said.

Kirk clapped a hand on his first officer's shoulder. "What Spock here is trying to say is he would be devastated if you didn't come."

Spock turned to him and arched a brow which was fortunate because it meant he didn't see your cheeks flare red. "I do not recall having lost my capacity for speech, Captain. Nor do I recall asking for your assistance."

You stepped forward before they sniped at each other anymore. "I would be happy to attend. Thank you, sirs." You strode past them and headed down the hall without waiting for them. It only took a second for them to catch up and escort you to Spock's birthday party.

"y/n!" Uhura waved you over as soon as you stepped through the door. 

You smiled and made your way over to find her sitting with Chekov, Sulu and Dr. McCoy. "Hello, all." They all greeted you warmly and McCoy pulled out the empty chair on one side of him and motioned for you to sit.

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