Seen - Spock

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A/N: Song 1: Invisible by Anna Clendening; Song 2: Wanted by Hunter Hayes Song 3: Let me Love the Lonely by James Arthur


Your skills were legendary on the Enterprise. You could fix most anything and do it quickly and efficiently. In fact, you were often requested specifically. Not by your name or anything. Usually it was more along the lines of the quiet one, her over there or you know, that one girl. Regardless, Scotty knew who they meant and if you were available, he sent you off with a sigh.

Truth was, you preferred those little jobs that got you out and about on the ship where you didn't really have to work with anyone and could get lost in your own head. You were glad to have found your place on the ship. Even if you didn't have the all the friendships or the relationship you craved, you were needed, wanted.

At the moment, your head was buried in the wall of the ship as you worked on some hard to reach wiring in an isolated hallway. You started to sing old Earth music to yourself as you worked.

I'm in love with someone who doesn't know I exist
I stare from afar in my hand-broken heart while I play pretend
I'm in love with someone who doesn't know I exist
And it's you, yes, it's true, you don't even know it, I can't ever win

As your voice faded with the last word, you heard a noise in the hall. Your brow furrowed as you finished soldering the last two wires and pulled your head from the panel. You glanced around, but there was no sign of anyone else around. This wasn't the first time in recent weeks that you'd had the feeling of being watched only to find nothing when you checked. You made a mental note to discuss it with Scotty but you'd forget, just as you had all the other times.


Two days later, you were calibrating some equipment in the lab. It was routine maintenance that you performed every few months or whenever Spock asked. He wouldn't allow anyone but you touch the equipment. According to him, you were the only engineer that understood the delicacy required for Scientific study. The corner of your mouth curled up as you remembered the last time Scotty had tried to send someone besides you.

You glanced over to the window of Spock's office. He was the only one in the lab with you, but he had holed up in his office and was working diligently on his PADD. You were hoping he'd come out and talk to you as he usually did. He was one of the few on the ship you'd consider a true friend. In fact, he was your best friend. The two of you had spent hours discussing so many topics you couldn't even keep count of them anymore. It seemed he was too busy to spend time with you today, though. With a sigh, you went back to your work. You began to hum which soon turned into singing. You looked up once to make sure you weren't disturbing Spock before continuing.

'Cause I wanna wrap you up
Wanna kiss your lips
Won't you make me feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
And never let you forget it
Yeah, won't you make me feel wanted

Those weren't the exact words, but they were the ones you'd come to use over time. They just fit. As you finished up, you glanced over one more time to find Spock still at his desk though he appeared to be in contemplation rather than working at the moment. You rapped lightly on his door on the way by.


You opened the door and smiled at him. "All done."

"Thank you, Y/N."

"Did you want to double-check anything?" you asked.

He pursed his lips. "I do not believe that is necessary. I have never had reason to question your work."

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