Out of Darkness - Kahn

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This one is for @MissyR33 

Hope you like it!

For a long time, all you knew was darkness. You didn't dream. You didn't wake. You just existed.

You became aware of the noise first. A steady buzz that eventually became voices, though you didn't recognize them.

Finally, your eyes blinked open and you saw light for the first time since they put you in this cursed capsule. Your eyes focused on an unfamiliar face lined with age. He smiled at you but there was rage in his eyes. "Who are you?" you asked, your voice, precise, calm.

"I am Admiral Marcus of Starfleet."

You pushed yourself up until you were sitting, though still inside your capsule. "Why did you wake me, Admiral? Where are the rest of my people?"

"One of your people has killed many of mine. I need your help subduing him."

You didn't miss that he failed to answer your second question. "Who?" though you feared you already knew the answer.

"He goes by Khan."

You kept your face a blank mask, unwilling to let him see the effect the name had on you. Khan was your husband. He had a temper but he wouldn't kill without reason. How did this man know what you were to each other? And why had you been separated from the rest of your crew? You climbed from the capsule and stood in front of the Admiral. "Why?"

He pursed his lips. "Why what?"

"Why did he kill your people?"

His eyes darted away from yours and his pulse increased. Whatever followed was going to be a lie. Fool. "Khan launched an unprovoked attack on Starfleet personnel. And you will help me stop him or I will kill you where you stand."

You arched a brow and maintained your calm facade. "I hardly think my death will make him any more cooperative, Admiral. Please take me to my husband."


You had not expected to have to travel to Khan by spaceship. It had only taken a few hours aboard the ship for you to recognize your husband's work. What was going on? You were allowed to roam the ship, but two security officers accompanied you everywhere. As if they would be a deterrent should you choose to do anything. It was actually a little insulting that Marcus thought so little of you.

Eventually you were summoned to the bridge. You watched as Marcus talked to a young Starfleet captain and explained why he had woken Khan. You watched as Marcus said you and your crew were all doomed to die. Your lips twitched when the other ship went into warp.

You were ordered to sit as Marcus pursued the ship and opened fire. You were all but forgotten as the weapons system powered down and the crew scrambled to repair the damage. But you remained still as you waited.

"Admiral. We should have weapons back in five minutes," a voice said.

Your husband was on that ship. After assuring yourself that everyone's attention was elsewhere, you reached your hand up to type quickly on the panel beside you.

"Damn it," a man said as he smacked the palm of his hand against the console in front of him. "I've lost it again."

"Well, get it back," Marcus roared.

Several minutes later a man came running onto the bridge. "Sir, we just had a hangar door open on deck thirteen."

"Khan," Marcus said without hesitation. Your pulse began to race at the thought you might see your husband again soon. Marcus grasped your upper arm and hauls you from your seat. "You're staying right by me, sweetheart."

"My name is (y/n) Singh, not sweetheart, Admiral. You'd do well to remember that."

Just as the weapons system came back online, three figures rushed onto the bridge, firing their weapons. You moved behind the Admiral's chair, protecting you from the blasts. "Kahn," you breathed as the figures stilled, their phasers aimed at Admiral Marcus.

Kahn froze. His clear blue eyes filled with tears as he took you in. "(y/n), you're alive." He no sooner got the words out than one of the other men shot him.

Anger flared through you and you headed toward your husband. Marcus grabbed your arm and you turned, removing his hand from you and snapping his wrist in one quick movement. He looked at you in shock as he cradled his injured arm against his chest.

The man standing in front of the Admiral darted a glance in your direction though he kept his phaser aimed at Marcus. You recognized him as the captain of the other ship. "I mean you no harm. I only wish to tend to my husband."

"You're Kahn's wife?"


"Marcus told him you were dead."

Your heart hurt at the pain Kahn must have gone through. No wonder he went on a rampage. Marcus was an imbecile. You nodded at the man, too upset to say anything further and went to Kahn's side. Kneeling beside him you pressed a hand against the side of his face and used the other to brush his hair back. Tension flowed from you as you realized he was breathing. If they stunned him, he'd be awake in moments.

Even as you had the thought, his eyes fluttered open. His hand wrapped around yours. Tears ran down his cheeks mirroring your own. "You cannot intend to let him live, Captain," he said, rising to his feet. His hand kept its hold on yours as he pulled you tightly to his side.

The other man looked like he intended to shoot Kahn again. Reaching out, you pushed down the end of the phaser. "Please don't."

"I will take him back to stand trial for his crimes," the captain said.

Kahn stiffened beside you and you squeezed his hand. "And will your people care that he let my husband believe me dead? That he held the rest of our people hostage? Will they care that he woke someone from slumber that they had all forgotten about?" you said.

"You can't honestly--" Marcus started, but was cut off when the captain fired his phaser, stunning him into silence.

"Watch him, Scotty," he said as he turned to face the two of you. "What exactly are you suggesting?"


You hummed as you worked in the garden, the sun shining down warming your skin.

"(y/n)!" someone called and you straightened to give them a wave. As you did your gaze ran over the rest of your little village. It had taken a lot of convincing and a lot of back and forth before you came to an agreement with the captain of the Enterprise. You did most of the negotiating while Khan sat beside you holding your hand.

You helped repair their ship, and upgrade it just a bit, and they brought you and your people to a habitable planet. The atmosphere wasn't quite what humans needed but your adapted systems could handle it easily. Some of your people hadn't survived their sleep but most had. And you were happy here, content to just be left to yourselves.

Admiral Marcus had been confined to the brig and mysteriously died in his sleep one evening. Khan was cleared as he had been under guard at the time. As for yourself, well...

Arms wrapped around you from behind, drawing you from your thoughts. Large hands came to rest on your swollen belly. You leaned back with a sigh. Khan buried his face in your neck. "I love you, (y/n). I am grateful for every moment I have with you."

"I love you, too." You closed your eyes in contentment and leaned against him more.

"How long have you been out here, love? You know too much sun is not good for you right now."

You patted one of his hands with your own. "I suppose you should take me inside and put me to bed then, husband."

He turned you so you were facing him. Threading his fingers into your hair, he studied you with those piercing blue eyes. "It would be my pleasure, wife." He kissed you then, deep and needy. You clutched at his shirt as he walked backward to take you into the house, his lips never leaving yours.

As you slammed the door behind you, you realizedyou were living your happily ever after.

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